Httpdelete with Body

Is an entity body allowed for an HTTP DELETE request?

The spec does not explicitly forbid or discourage it, so I would tend to say it is allowed.

Microsoft sees it the same way (I can hear murmuring in the audience), they state in the MSDN article about the DELETE Method of ADO.NET Data Services Framework:

If a DELETE request includes an entity body, the body is ignored [...]

Additionally here is what RFC2616 (HTTP 1.1) has to say in regard to requests:

  • an entity-body is only present when a message-body is present (section 7.2)
  • the presence of a message-body is signaled by the inclusion of a Content-Length or Transfer-Encoding header (section 4.3)
  • a message-body must not be included when the specification of the request method does not allow sending an entity-body (section 4.3)
  • an entity-body is explicitly forbidden in TRACE requests only, all other request types are unrestricted (section 9, and 9.8 specifically)

For responses, this has been defined:

  • whether a message-body is included depends on both request method and response status (section 4.3)
  • a message-body is explicitly forbidden in responses to HEAD requests (section 9, and 9.4 specifically)
  • a message-body is explicitly forbidden in 1xx (informational), 204 (no content), and 304 (not modified) responses (section 4.3)
  • all other responses include a message-body, though it may be of zero length (section 4.3)

HttpDelete with body

Have you tried overriding HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase as follows:

import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase;
import org.apache.http.annotation.NotThreadSafe;

class HttpDeleteWithBody extends HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase {
public static final String METHOD_NAME = "DELETE";
public String getMethod() { return METHOD_NAME; }

public HttpDeleteWithBody(final String uri) {
public HttpDeleteWithBody(final URI uri) {
public HttpDeleteWithBody() { super(); }

That will create a HttpDelete-lookalike that has a setEntity method. I think the abstract class does almost everything for you, so that may be all that's needed.

FWIW, the code is based on this source to HttpPost that Google turned up.

Java HTTP DELETE with Request Body

I used org.apache.http to get this done.

class HttpDeleteWithBody extends HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase {
public static final String METHOD_NAME = "DELETE";

public String getMethod() {

public HttpDeleteWithBody(final String uri) {

public HttpDeleteWithBody(final URI uri) {

public HttpDeleteWithBody() {

public String[] sendDelete(String URL, String PARAMS, String header) throws IOException {
String[] restResponse = new String[2];
CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault();

HttpDeleteWithBody httpDelete = new HttpDeleteWithBody(URL);
StringEntity input = new StringEntity(PARAMS, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON);
httpDelete.addHeader("header", header);

Header requestHeaders[] = httpDelete.getAllHeaders();
CloseableHttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpDelete);
restResponse[0] = Integer.toString((response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()));
restResponse[1] = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity());
return restResponse;

RESTful Alternatives to DELETE Request Body

Despite some recommendations not to use the message body for DELETE requests, this approach may be appropriate in certain use cases. This is the approach we ended up using after evaluating the other options mentioned in the question/answers, and after collaborating with consumers of the service.

While the use of the message body is not ideal, none of the other options were perfectly fitting either. The request body DELETE allowed us to easily and clearly add semantics around additional data/metadata that was needed to accompany the DELETE operation.

I'd still be open to other thoughts and discussions, but wanted to close the loop on this question. I appreciate everyone's thoughts and discussions on this topic!

Angular 7 Http delete api handle body?

this will work for angular 6+, where http is your HttpClient

const options = {
headers: new HttpHeaders({
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: {
name: 'ravi',
id: 'ravi123'

this.http.delete('http://localhost:8080/user', options).subscribe(s => {

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