How to Hide a Button Programmatically

How to hide a button programmatically?

You can use the following code:

playButton = (Button) findViewById(;
playButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
//when play is clicked show stop button and hide play button

Android studio Hide and Show buttons from a condition

From your comments, are you saying you need to check:

if(Cars.payment) {
} else {

Hide and Unhide button programmatically

Use UITextFieldDelegate to hide and show button.

class ViewController: UIViewController,UITextFieldDelegate  //set delegate to class 

@IBOutlet var txtValue: UITextField //create a textfile variable

override func viewDidLoad() {
txtValue.delegate = self

//set delegate to textfile

func textFieldDidBeginEditing(textField: UITextField!)
{ //delegate method


func textFieldShouldEndEditing(textField: UITextField!) -> Bool { //delegate method
return false


func textFieldShouldReturn(textField: UITextField!) -> Bool { //delegate method

return true

May be it will help you.

how to hide/show a button in swift

As @LAmasse says, you want to use button.hidden = true. button.hidden was renamed to button.isHidden in Swift 3

The code you posted doesn't make sense.

if self.Status.text == "Closed" 
Purchase().enable = false

What is Purchase? From the capitalized name, it seems to be a class. If so, the expression Purchase() is likely creating a new instance of the Purchase class, which makes no sense. Why are you making a function call? If that is creating a new Purchase object then that code is pointless. (You would create a new object inside the if statement that would be discarded on the very next line since you don't keep a strong reference to it.)

You want to set up an IBOutlet for your button and connect it in Interface Builder.

The declaration might look like this:

Class MyViewController: UIViewController
@IBOutlet weak var theButton: UIButton!
//The rest of your view controller's code goes here

If the outlet is connected to your button, there should be a filled-in circle to the left of the line of code. It looks like this:

enter image description here

And then your code to show/hide the button might look like this:

func showQueryResults
var query3 = PFQuery(className:"Status_of_game")
(namelist3: [AnyObject]!, error : NSError!) -> Void in
for list3 in namelist3
var output = list3["StatusType"] as String
self.Status.text = output
if output == "Closed"
theButton.isHidden = false //changed to isHidden for Swift 3

It isn't clear to me why you'd loop though all of the results from your query and and show the button if the "StatusType" of any of the results is == "Closed".

Finally, I'm not very familiar with parse. If the completion block for the findObjectsInBackgroundWithBlock method doesn't get called on the main thread you will have to change that code to make the UI updates on the main thread.


I've since learned that Parse executes its completion handlers on the main thread, so you don't need to worry about UI calls from Parse completion handlers.

How to hide a button in Swift 4 programmatically

Not True finishButton.isHidden = false

True way is finishButton.isHidden = true

Hide Toolbar Home / Back button programmatically in Android?

If you're using a Toolbar you can use its own navigation icon API.

You can change the icon using:


In you case you can use:


You can add add an OnClickListener

toolbar.setNavigationOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
@Override public void onClick(View view) {
//...Do something

You can use an androidx.appcompat.widget.Toolbar or can use a MaterialToolbar included in the Material Components library.

Angular Hide With Button


<div class="yourCssClass" *ngIf="this.isButtonVisible" (click)="this.isButtonVisible = false">

Your TypeScript

export class AppComponent {
private isButtonVisible = true;

This should do the job. *ngIf automatically hides the element, if the condition evaluates false, so setting the variable to false is sufficient.

The problem I see here is, that you don't control the visibility at any point. Using [ngClass] to add a specific class, if a condition is met, or *ngIf is helpful, whenever you try to change elements on user interaction.

For more information on [ngClass], you can read about its usage here:

You can read about *ngIf here:

Especially the "Common Use" part should be interesting for you.

Reading your comment below it seems you did not notice what [hidden] and (click) actually do. [hidden] controls the visibility of the element, usually dependent on a certain condition. (click) however is a quick way to bind a Click-Event to your element.

Using both of those tools enables to hide an element, by changing a variable, if a user clicks on your element (the new value of the variable may be assigned by a function called by (click) or inline, as demonstrated in the example code).

Edit2: Yep, you meant Angular2/4 ;) So this should do the job.

How can I hide/show a layout when a Button is pressed

You should be able to call


in your onClick() method where view is the variable name for the View that you are trying to make disappear.

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