Gradle Build Fails on Lint Task

gradle build fails on lint task

With 0.7.0 there comes extended support for Lint, however, it does not work always properly. (Eg. the butterknife library)

Solution is to disable aborting build on found lint errors

I took the inspiration from

(implementation: )

(discussion: )

android {
// your build config
defaultConfig { ... }
signingConfigs { ... }
compileOptions { ... }
buildTypes { ... }
// This is important, it will run lint checks but won't abort build
lintOptions {
abortOnError false

And if you need to disable just particular Lint rule and keep the build failing on others, use this:

* Use only 'disable' or only 'enable', those configurations exclude each other
android {
lintOptions {
// use this line to check all rules except those listed
disable 'RuleToDisable', 'SecondRuleToDisable'
// use this line to check just listed rules
enable 'FirstRuleToCheck', 'LastRuleToCheck'

Gradle build: Execution failed for task ':app:lint'

Add this in your app/build.gradle file

android {
lintOptions {
abortOnError false

How to make Android Studio build fail on lint errors

If there's a lint check for that you can change the severity to FATAL and then when building the release version of your APK it should fail.

android {
lintOptions {

Also you can execute the Gradle lint task which will fail. If you also want warnings to let your build fail you can use this.

android {
lintOptions {
warningsAsErrors true

Gradle build fails due to lint classpath error on Android

I have figured out what the problem is. I use the build parameter 'dev' (Pbuild=dev) to make sure that the CI (Travis, in this case) uses the mock version of my google-services.json file placed in the app/src/dev folder. However, I forgot to configure the 'dev' build variant in the build.gradle files of my modules.

Solution is to add the dev build type in all modules, like this:


android {

buildTypes {
release {
debug {
dev {
minifyEnabled false
proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

Please note that you will have to do this for all the modules in your project.

Gradle build tools 4.1.0 failing sync in Android Studio when there is a lintCheck dependency

This problem is being reported under ticket

The way to workaround this for now is to skip the logic causing issues on the IDE testing for system property:

if(System.getProperty("") != "true"){
tasks.whenTaskAdded {

(Thanks Jerry for finding the ticket)

How to make Grade release build fail using Lint Option StopShip?

I finally cracked it! fatal 'StopShip'. That's what finally did it! Leaving my discovery in case it helps anyone.

Replacing error 'StopShip' with fatal 'StopShip' in my build.gradle config solved the problem.

I don't fully understand why my previous attempts with error 'StopShip' didn't work, as the abortOnError docs clearly state:

Whether lint should set the exit code of the process if errors are found

and I was marking the StopShip check severity as error. It looks like abortOnError will only make the Gradle build abort for FATAL errors. Can anyone confirm?

Of course, if it anyone offers a better solution/explanation, please do share.

Android Studio: Adding Kotlin to existing Java app ends up in Internal error: unexpected lint return value -1 when building

OK, don't know why, but after removing

apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'

from my 'Core' and 'Global' modules build.gradle now the app builds successfully.

I don't know why the other modules accept the apply plugin: 'kotlin-android' in build.gradle and not 'Core' and 'Global' and I don't even know if I'll be able to use Kotlin in those two modules then, but for the moment the app builds just fine.

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