Android Studio and Android.Support.V4.App.Fragment: Cannot Resolve Symbol

Android Studio and cannot resolve symbol

The symptom of this problem is usually that the build works fine from the command line (which means your build.gradle file is set up right) but you get syntax highlighting errors in the IDE. Follow This Steps To Solve The Problem: Click on Tools from the toolbar usually at the top part of your IDE, and then navigate to Android then navigate to Sync Project with Gradle Files button. We realize it's less than ideal that the IDE can't just take care of itself instead of forcing you to manually sync at the right time; we're tracking progress on this in

Cannot find symbol error in android studio

You are importing Fragment from the old Android Support library (<x>) while you’ve configured your project to use AndroidX, so make sure you are importing and using the correct library.

Please visit this link to find the correct import for Fragment.

Replace with

Cannot resolve symbol FragmentActivity

Try removing this section from Basegameutile gradle

 configurations {
all*.exclude group: '', module: 'support-v4'

It prevents the inclusion of the support library.

This section is used when there is a dependency conflict between 2 or more modules because both of them include the support library .

To prevent one of them from including the same dependency use this section.

Android Support v4 version 22.2.0 cannot resolve FragmentActivity

I had the exact same problem. Latest everything, reset cache, could NOT resolve v4. Funny thing.. run a build (Ctrl+F9), and suddenly the 'sea of red' goes away. Expected that it wouldn't have built, but then it did.. sigh!

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