Onactivityresult Do Not Fire If Launch Mode of Activity Is Singleinstance

onActivityResult do not fire if launch mode of activity is singleInstance

I believe that the problem is that singleInstance doesn't let the callee activity to exist in the same task as the caller, hence it can't return the value to the caller.

Consider using singleTask instead:


The system creates the activity at the
root of a new task and routes the
intent to it. However, if an instance
of the activity already exists, the
system routes the intent to existing
instance through a call to its
onNewIntent() method, rather than
creating a new one.


Same as "singleTask", except that the
system doesn't launch any other
activities into the task holding the
instance. The activity is always the
single and only member of its task.


onActivityResult With launchMode=singleTask?

The docs of the startActivityForResult say:

For example, if the activity you are launching uses the singleTask launch mode,
it will not run in your task and thus you will immediately receive a cancel result.

It seems there is no way to get around this.

If you are the developer of called Activity, then you can have it send a broadcast when some result is available. The calling Activity can then list to this broadcasts.

android:launchMode=singleInstance' does not allow activity for results update

Yes, even I faced the same problem. That's why I was not able to use Activity for results with the launch mode as a single instance as I found I get the call on onActivityResult as the acivity B starts.

singleTask launch mode is not working

So it seems the issue is with device. On emulator and other devices with same android version singleTask works just fine.

OnActivityResult not executed

There are 2 possible solutions:

  • You should try with request code larger than 0.
  • Does your activity contain singleInstance or singleTask launchMode? check this issue .

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