How to Put My Libraries in Front of Android.Jar by Editing Build.Gradle in Android-Studio

how to let 'framework.jar' compile in front of 'android.jar' on Android Studio Arctic Fox

It is currently not possible to override android.jar with classes from a custom jar - However, you could replace android.jar in the Android SDK with your own, and Android Studio and Android Gradle plugin will pick them up.

Alternatively, you can develop Sdk Add-on, and point your users to it. It will be automatically handled by Android Studio. Here is an example of how to build one.

How do I edit the source code of jar in android studio?

The jar that you added is already packaged, meaning you can't edit it anymore. What you can do, is fork the watchdog library, make your changes to that version, and then build the library and add the newly generated jar to your project.

To do this, first download the sourcecode on github, with the "Clone or download" button. Afterwards, extract the zip file, and open the project in android studio.

Now you can make your changes to the source code. After you are done, go back to your main project, and right click it in the project view. Go to "Open Module Settings", and click on the plus sign in the top left. Then select "Import Gradle Project", and choose the directory, of the downloaded and modified watchdog version. Additionally remove the previously added jar from the project, and you should now have the modified version of watchdog, imported into your project.

How to edit external library for android studio 3.1.2?

Add external library to project


Unzip the file

Go to Android studio - File - New Import Module

Import the module and click OK

Once you added the library add the library to app gradle also

implementation project(path: ':library-name')

Proper way to add global library in android-studio/gradle

This post describes how to get XposedBridgeApi.jar working with Gradle in Android Sudio:

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