How to Specify Location of Debug Keystore for Android Ant Debug Builds

How can I specify location of debug keystore for Android ant debug builds?

You can remove the signature of the final apk and sign it again. It is just a debug build so the zipalign can be avoided (at least I have no problems in my build).

Copy your keystore to a file debug.keystore in the project and add the following in

And add the following in your build.xml

<target name="-post-build" if="${}">
<!-- Remove the signature of the debug build, and sign it again with our own debug keystore -->
<delete dir="tmp" includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false" />
<mkdir dir="tmp" />
<unzip src="${}" dest="tmp" />
<delete dir="tmp/META-INF" includeemptydirs="true" verbose="true" failonerror="true" />
<delete file="${}" failonerror="true" />
<zip destfile="${}" basedir="tmp" />
<delete dir="tmp" includeemptydirs="true" failonerror="false" />

<echo level="info">Signing final DEBUG apk with a common signature...


<delete file="${}" failonerror="true" />
<move file="${out.packaged.file}" tofile="${}" failonerror="true" />


Setting the location of debug.keystore for command-line build without rewriting Ant targets

In .bashrc, set the ANDROID_SDK_HOME environment variable to the location of your Android SDK installation. For example:

export ANDROID_SDK_HOME="/home/myusername/path/to/androidsdk"

Then, in a new shell, running ant debug creates a ${ANDROID_SDK_HOME}/.android/debug.keystore file.

Alternatively, without changing the variable globally, you can simply run:

ANDROID_SDK_HOME="/home/myusername/path/to/androidsdk" ant debug

Where is debug.keystore in Android Studio

Step 1) Go to File > Project Structure > select project > go to "signing" and select your default or any keystore you want and fill all the details. In case you are not able to fill the details, hit the green '+' button. I've highlighted in the screenshot.Sample Image

Step 2) VERY IMPORTANT: Goto Build Types> select your build type and select your "Signing Config". In my case, I've to select "config". Check the highlighted region.
Sample Image

Can I build my Android app as debug but sign with release keystore

With pointers in the right direction form Ixx I ended up setting android:debuggable="true" and using the command line to build and deploy. Then attaching to the running process to debug.

My application is setup to build at the command line with an ant build.xml file that imports androidSDK/tools/ant/build.xml and a supporting file. I discovered that when I set android:debuggable="true" and then do 'ant release' the build process will create a debuggable apk and sign it with the release key.

I created a target in my build.xml file that I could set for this case called set-debuggable

<target name="set-debuggable" description="sets internal named property">
<echo>Setting internal named property...</echo>
<property name="set.debuggable" value="true" />

Then in my -pre-build target I added

<isset property="set.debuggable"/>



This creates my debuggable apk that is signed with my release key when I use 'ant set-debuggable release'. Then I use 'adb install -r myApp-release.apk' to re-install the new build. I can then launch and attach to the running application for debugging through in-app purchases.

It appears as though both IntelliJ Idea and Eclipse use a self signed debug key somewhere on your system to build and deploy a debug apk from the IDE.

In hindsight I might have been able to replace the debug key that the IDE created with my release key and attempted to get the build to sign with that key (and find the password to use the key) but the build process above took me very little time to setup and start using. If anyone goes in this direction and gets it working, please add a comment to my answer.

How to set a custom keystore for debugging in eclipse for android

I had the same issue and here are the steps to properly create a custom keystore that can be used for debugging in Eclipse:

Basically what you should do is that change both storepasswd and keypasswd for the alias androiddebugkey to "android".

Here are the commands:

keytool -changealias -keystore mykeystore.keystore -alias [old alias] -destalias androiddebugkey
keytool -keypasswd -keystore mykeystore.keystore -alias androiddebugkey
keytool -storepasswd -keystore mykeystore.keystore

If you don't know your old alias, look it up using

keytool -list -v -keystore mykeystore.keystore

in Command prompt not able to enter the password

Is there a way to use a custom keystore while building an android app using ant on debug mode?

Per my research so far, the only way is to achieve this is to copy the keystore file to the default android keystore path (which is generally located under ~/.android directory.

There is no debug.keystore in .android folder

According to the documentation, performing a build in Eclipse or using ant debug should automatically generate ~/.android/debug.keystore.

But in case this doesn't work, you can create one manually by running:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -storepass android -alias androiddebugkey -keypass android -dname "CN=Android Debug,O=Android,C=US"

How can I change the location of the Android debug key store?

Change the environment variable


then you can put the .android directory there and the build will search for the debug key there.

how to solve this error 'debug.keystore not found inside c:\Users\kulde\.android\' while creating Android Signing Certificate SHA-1

Instead of using debug.keystore which is less secure use your own created keyStore. Follow this to do the same

After you created your keystore, run the following command in terminal of Android studio.

keytool -list -v -keystore "path where .jks file is stored"

After this terminal will ask for password which you have created in above step.

Finally you will get your SHA-1 certificate.

Make sure you store your keystore safely. It will be used in future when you upload your App.

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