Xcode: Using Custom Fonts Inside Dynamic Framework

Xcode: Using custom fonts inside Dynamic framework

I'm here a bit late, but I took PetahChristian's solution and created a Swift version in the form of an extension. This is working for me. I've found that when you try to get a font using a font name and a size using the regular way that it always looks in the main bundle for the font file, and there's no method that takes a bundle identifier as a parameter. It would be nice if Apple would make one.


public extension UIFont {

public static func jbs_registerFont(withFilenameString filenameString: String, bundle: Bundle) {

guard let pathForResourceString = bundle.path(forResource: filenameString, ofType: nil) else {
print("UIFont+: Failed to register font - path for resource not found.")

guard let fontData = NSData(contentsOfFile: pathForResourceString) else {
print("UIFont+: Failed to register font - font data could not be loaded.")

guard let dataProvider = CGDataProvider(data: fontData) else {
print("UIFont+: Failed to register font - data provider could not be loaded.")

guard let font = CGFont(dataProvider) else {
print("UIFont+: Failed to register font - font could not be loaded.")

var errorRef: Unmanaged? = nil
if (CTFontManagerRegisterGraphicsFont(font, &errorRef) == false) {
print("UIFont+: Failed to register font - register graphics font failed - this font may have already been registered in the main bundle.")


Usage Example:

withFilenameString: "Boogaloo-Regular.ttf",
bundle: Bundle(identifier: "com.JBS.JBSFramework")!

Custom font in framework for SwiftUI

Tricky little problem, but here's what worked for me:

In the custom framework, I created a FontLoader class:

public class FontLoader {
static public func loadFont() {
if let fontUrl = Bundle(for: FontLoader.self).url(forResource: "Opus", withExtension: "otf"),
let dataProvider = CGDataProvider(url: fontUrl as CFURL),
let newFont = CGFont(dataProvider) {
var error: Unmanaged?
if !CTFontManagerRegisterGraphicsFont(newFont, &error)
print("Error loading Font!")
} else {
print("Loaded font")
} else {
assertionFailure("Error loading font")

Then, in my AppDelegate's didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, I made sure to import my framework and load the font:

import FontTestFramework

Later, in my view, I used the font successfully with:

.font(.custom("Opus", size: 30))

I tested to make sure that it wasn't just loading the version installed on my Mac (since I was using the simulator) but commenting out the FontLoader.loadFont() call, and sure enough, it defaulted back to San Francisco

I tried this with an otf file, but I don't think there's any reason ttf should behave differently. Obviously, the otf file had to be part of the framework's target.

Can I embed a custom font in a bundle and access it from an ios framework?

This is a new method that lets you load fonts dynamically without putting them in your Info.plist: http://www.marco.org/2012/12/21/ios-dynamic-font-loading

Custom font inside Cocoa Touch Static Library

You can provide an example plist or even write a utility that performs this setting by updating a given property list, but the users of the library will need to do something themselves, either updating the plist manually or by using your utility. You can't avoid this.

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