Swiftui Onmovecommand Actions Aren't Executed

SwiftUI onMoveCommand actions aren't executed

Keyboard events are handled only by view in focus, so fix is

var body: some View {
.focusable() // << here !!
.onAppear() {
.onMoveCommand() { (direction) in
.onTapGesture() {

Tested with Xcode 11.4 / macOS 10.15.4. Make sure you have turned on keyboard navigation in System Preferences.


Event listeners on View element

Rather than trying to use modifiers like .onHover and .onClick, I'd suggest you pass the closures as parameters. That would look like this:

struct ContentView : View {
var body: some View {
onClick: {
}, onHover: { hovered in

struct MyCustomSwiftUIView: View {
var onClick : () -> Void
var onHover : (Bool) -> Void

var body: some View {
HStack {
Button("MyButton1", action: onClick)
.onHover(perform: onHover)

Another example with built-in SwiftUI modifiers:

struct ContentView : View {
var body: some View {
.onTapGesture {
.onHover { hovered in

struct MyCustomSwiftUIView: View {
var body: some View {
HStack {
Text("My custom view")

SwiftUI - @FocusState as condition

So, the FocusState needs something to focus on, without it it just changes itself to false (that’s why I added TextField) - and, it doesn’t change right away, but after it focuses something, therefore delay is needed.

This works for me:

struct ContentView: View {
@FocusState private var mystate: Bool
var body: some View {
if mystate {

Button(action: {
print("before: \(mystate)")
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + .milliseconds(50)){
print("after: \(mystate)")

}, label: {
Text("Click Me")
TextField("myTextField", text: .constant("text")).focused($mystate)

SwiftUI, shortcutKey without button/View instance -- is it possible?

Profits of this solution:

  • Its works faster than .keyboardShortcut() way
  • It does not need to create extra views/buttons;
  • it's works on ANY keyboard layout ( .keyboardShortcut() works ONLY IN ONE keyboard layout);


  • no hotkeys displayed in menus
  • need to create custom hotkeys logic for different states of view (in some views need to use one hotkeys, in some subviews - another hotkeys)

Solution example:

struct WindowView: View {
@ObservedObject var model: WindowModel

var body: some View {
Text("some text")

hotkeys initialisation inside ViewModel:

let hotkeys: [HotkeyCombination] = [
HotkeyCombination(keyBase: [], key: .kVK_ANSI_Q) { print("Q") },
HotkeyCombination(keyBase: [.option], key: .kVK_ANSI_Q) { print("Option+Q") }

Files to use my solution:

HotKeys.swift :

import Foundation
import SwiftUI
import Combine

@available(OSX 11.0, *)
extension View {
func addCustomHotkeys( _ hotkeys: [HotkeyCombination] ) -> some View {

@available(OSX 11.0, *)
public struct HotKeysMod: ViewModifier {
@State var subs = Set<AnyCancellable>() // Cancel onDisappear
var hotkeys: [HotkeyCombination]

init(_ hotkeys: [HotkeyCombination] ) {
self.hotkeys = hotkeys

public func body(content: Content) -> some View {
ZStack {

struct DisableSoundsView: NSViewRepresentable {
var hotkeys: [HotkeyCombination]

func makeNSView(context: Context) -> NSView {
let view = DisableSoundsNSView()

view.hotkeys = hotkeys

return view

func updateNSView(_ nsView: NSView, context: Context) { }

class DisableSoundsNSView: NSView {
var hotkeys: [HotkeyCombination] = []

override func performKeyEquivalent(with event: NSEvent) -> Bool {
return hotkeysSubscription(combinations: hotkeys)

fileprivate func hotkeysSubscription(combinations: [HotkeyCombination]) -> Bool {
for comb in combinations {
let basePressedCorrectly = comb.keyBasePressed

if basePressedCorrectly && comb.key.isPressed {
return true

return false

struct HotkeyCombination {
let keyBase: [KeyBase]
let key: CGKeyCode
let action: () -> ()

extension HotkeyCombination {
var keyBasePressed: Bool {
let mustBePressed = KeyBase.allCases.filter{ keyBase.contains($0) }
let mustBeNotPressed = KeyBase.allCases.filter{ !keyBase.contains($0) }

for base in mustBePressed {
if !base.isPressed {
return false

for base in mustBeNotPressed {
if base.isPressed {
return false

return true

enum KeyBase: CaseIterable {
case option
case command
case shift
case control

var isPressed: Bool {
switch self {
case .option:
return CGKeyCode.kVK_Option.isPressed || CGKeyCode.kVK_RightOption.isPressed
case .command:
return CGKeyCode.kVK_Command.isPressed || CGKeyCode.kVK_RightCommand.isPressed
case .shift:
return CGKeyCode.kVK_Shift.isPressed || CGKeyCode.kVK_RightShift.isPressed
case .control:
return CGKeyCode.kVK_Control.isPressed || CGKeyCode.kVK_RightControl.isPressed

CGKeyCode extension taken from:



import Foundation

extension CGKeyCode {
static let kVK_ANSI_A : CGKeyCode = 0x00
static let kVK_ANSI_S : CGKeyCode = 0x01
static let kVK_ANSI_D : CGKeyCode = 0x02
static let kVK_ANSI_F : CGKeyCode = 0x03
static let kVK_ANSI_H : CGKeyCode = 0x04
static let kVK_ANSI_G : CGKeyCode = 0x05
static let kVK_ANSI_Z : CGKeyCode = 0x06
static let kVK_ANSI_X : CGKeyCode = 0x07
static let kVK_ANSI_C : CGKeyCode = 0x08
static let kVK_ANSI_V : CGKeyCode = 0x09
static let kVK_ANSI_B : CGKeyCode = 0x0B
static let kVK_ANSI_Q : CGKeyCode = 0x0C
static let kVK_ANSI_W : CGKeyCode = 0x0D
static let kVK_ANSI_E : CGKeyCode = 0x0E
static let kVK_ANSI_R : CGKeyCode = 0x0F
static let kVK_ANSI_Y : CGKeyCode = 0x10
static let kVK_ANSI_T : CGKeyCode = 0x11
static let kVK_ANSI_1 : CGKeyCode = 0x12
static let kVK_ANSI_2 : CGKeyCode = 0x13
static let kVK_ANSI_3 : CGKeyCode = 0x14
static let kVK_ANSI_4 : CGKeyCode = 0x15
static let kVK_ANSI_6 : CGKeyCode = 0x16
static let kVK_ANSI_5 : CGKeyCode = 0x17
static let kVK_ANSI_Equal : CGKeyCode = 0x18
static let kVK_ANSI_9 : CGKeyCode = 0x19
static let kVK_ANSI_7 : CGKeyCode = 0x1A
static let kVK_ANSI_Minus : CGKeyCode = 0x1B
static let kVK_ANSI_8 : CGKeyCode = 0x1C
static let kVK_ANSI_0 : CGKeyCode = 0x1D
static let kVK_ANSI_RightBracket : CGKeyCode = 0x1E
static let kVK_ANSI_O : CGKeyCode = 0x1F
static let kVK_ANSI_U : CGKeyCode = 0x20
static let kVK_ANSI_LeftBracket : CGKeyCode = 0x21
static let kVK_ANSI_I : CGKeyCode = 0x22
static let kVK_ANSI_P : CGKeyCode = 0x23
static let kVK_ANSI_L : CGKeyCode = 0x25
static let kVK_ANSI_J : CGKeyCode = 0x26
static let kVK_ANSI_Quote : CGKeyCode = 0x27
static let kVK_ANSI_K : CGKeyCode = 0x28
static let kVK_ANSI_Semicolon : CGKeyCode = 0x29
static let kVK_ANSI_Backslash : CGKeyCode = 0x2A
static let kVK_ANSI_Comma : CGKeyCode = 0x2B
static let kVK_ANSI_Slash : CGKeyCode = 0x2C
static let kVK_ANSI_N : CGKeyCode = 0x2D
static let kVK_ANSI_M : CGKeyCode = 0x2E
static let kVK_ANSI_Period : CGKeyCode = 0x2F
static let kVK_ANSI_Grave : CGKeyCode = 0x32
static let kVK_ANSI_KeypadDecimal : CGKeyCode = 0x41
static let kVK_ANSI_KeypadMultiply : CGKeyCode = 0x43
static let kVK_ANSI_KeypadPlus : CGKeyCode = 0x45
static let kVK_ANSI_KeypadClear : CGKeyCode = 0x47
static let kVK_ANSI_KeypadDivide : CGKeyCode = 0x4B
static let kVK_ANSI_KeypadEnter : CGKeyCode = 0x4C
static let kVK_ANSI_KeypadMinus : CGKeyCode = 0x4E
static let kVK_ANSI_KeypadEquals : CGKeyCode = 0x51
static let kVK_ANSI_Keypad0 : CGKeyCode = 0x52
static let kVK_ANSI_Keypad1 : CGKeyCode = 0x53
static let kVK_ANSI_Keypad2 : CGKeyCode = 0x54
static let kVK_ANSI_Keypad3 : CGKeyCode = 0x55
static let kVK_ANSI_Keypad4 : CGKeyCode = 0x56
static let kVK_ANSI_Keypad5 : CGKeyCode = 0x57
static let kVK_ANSI_Keypad6 : CGKeyCode = 0x58
static let kVK_ANSI_Keypad7 : CGKeyCode = 0x59
static let kVK_ANSI_Keypad8 : CGKeyCode = 0x5B
static let kVK_ANSI_Keypad9 : CGKeyCode = 0x5C

// keycodes for keys that are independent of keyboard layout
static let kVK_Return : CGKeyCode = 0x24
static let kVK_Tab : CGKeyCode = 0x30
static let kVK_Space : CGKeyCode = 0x31
static let kVK_Delete : CGKeyCode = 0x33
static let kVK_Escape : CGKeyCode = 0x35
static let kVK_Command : CGKeyCode = 0x37
static let kVK_Shift : CGKeyCode = 0x38
static let kVK_CapsLock : CGKeyCode = 0x39
static let kVK_Option : CGKeyCode = 0x3A
static let kVK_Control : CGKeyCode = 0x3B
static let kVK_RightCommand : CGKeyCode = 0x36 // Out of order
static let kVK_RightShift : CGKeyCode = 0x3C
static let kVK_RightOption : CGKeyCode = 0x3D
static let kVK_RightControl : CGKeyCode = 0x3E
static let kVK_Function : CGKeyCode = 0x3F
static let kVK_F17 : CGKeyCode = 0x40
static let kVK_VolumeUp : CGKeyCode = 0x48
static let kVK_VolumeDown : CGKeyCode = 0x49
static let kVK_Mute : CGKeyCode = 0x4A
static let kVK_F18 : CGKeyCode = 0x4F
static let kVK_F19 : CGKeyCode = 0x50
static let kVK_F20 : CGKeyCode = 0x5A
static let kVK_F5 : CGKeyCode = 0x60
static let kVK_F6 : CGKeyCode = 0x61
static let kVK_F7 : CGKeyCode = 0x62
static let kVK_F3 : CGKeyCode = 0x63
static let kVK_F8 : CGKeyCode = 0x64
static let kVK_F9 : CGKeyCode = 0x65
static let kVK_F11 : CGKeyCode = 0x67
static let kVK_F13 : CGKeyCode = 0x69
static let kVK_F16 : CGKeyCode = 0x6A
static let kVK_F14 : CGKeyCode = 0x6B
static let kVK_F10 : CGKeyCode = 0x6D
static let kVK_F12 : CGKeyCode = 0x6F
static let kVK_F15 : CGKeyCode = 0x71
static let kVK_Help : CGKeyCode = 0x72
static let kVK_Home : CGKeyCode = 0x73
static let kVK_PageUp : CGKeyCode = 0x74
static let kVK_ForwardDelete : CGKeyCode = 0x75
static let kVK_F4 : CGKeyCode = 0x76
static let kVK_End : CGKeyCode = 0x77
static let kVK_F2 : CGKeyCode = 0x78
static let kVK_PageDown : CGKeyCode = 0x79
static let kVK_F1 : CGKeyCode = 0x7A
static let kVK_LeftArrow : CGKeyCode = 0x7B
static let kVK_RightArrow : CGKeyCode = 0x7C
static let kVK_DownArrow : CGKeyCode = 0x7D
static let kVK_UpArrow : CGKeyCode = 0x7E

// ISO keyboards only
static let kVK_ISO_Section : CGKeyCode = 0x0A

// JIS keyboards only
static let kVK_JIS_Yen : CGKeyCode = 0x5D
static let kVK_JIS_Underscore : CGKeyCode = 0x5E
static let kVK_JIS_KeypadComma : CGKeyCode = 0x5F
static let kVK_JIS_Eisu : CGKeyCode = 0x66
static let kVK_JIS_Kana : CGKeyCode = 0x68

var isModifier: Bool {
return (.kVK_RightCommand...(.kVK_Function)).contains(self)

var baseModifier: CGKeyCode?
if (.kVK_Command...(.kVK_Control)).contains(self)
|| self == .kVK_Function
return self

switch self
case .kVK_RightShift: return .kVK_Shift
case .kVK_RightCommand: return .kVK_Command
case .kVK_RightOption: return .kVK_Option
case .kVK_RightControl: return .kVK_Control

default: return nil

var isPressed: Bool {
CGEventSource.keyState(.combinedSessionState, key: self)

.send() and .sink() do not seem to work anymore for PassthroughSubject in Xcode 11 Beta 5

.sink() returns an AnyCancellable object. You should never ignored it. Never do this:

// never do this!
publisher.sink { ... }
// never do this!
let _ = publisher.sink { ... }

And if you assign it to a variable, make sure it is not short lived. As soon as the cancellable object gets deallocated, the subscription will get cancelled too.

// if cancellable is deallocated, the subscription will get cancelled
let cancellable = publisher.sink { ... }

Since you asked to use sink inside a view, I'll post a way of doing it. However, inside a view, you should probably use .onReceive() instead. It is way more simple.

Using sink:

When using it inside a view, you need to use a @State variable, to make sure it survives after the view body was generated.

The DispatchQueue.main.async is required, to avoid the state being modified while the view updates. You would get a runtime error if you didn't.

struct ContentView: View {
@State var cancellable: AnyCancellable? = nil

var body: some View {
let publisher = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()

DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.cancellable = publisher.sink { (str) in

return Button("OK") {

Using .onReceive()

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
let publisher = PassthroughSubject<String, Never>()

return Button("OK") {
.onReceive(publisher) { str in

Use HotKey Library in SwiftUI

Okay so I figured it out.
The keyDownHandlerreally just defines what should happen when a hotkey is pressed so you can just put it into the .onAppear {} after your body View

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