Swift Compilation Time with Nil Coalescing Operator

Swift compilation time with nil coalescing operator

I'm almost certain that this has to do with type inference. When interpreting all of those + and ?? operators the compiler is doing a lot of work behind the scenes to infer the types of those arguments. There are around thirty overloads for the + operator alone and when you chain several of them together you are making the compiler's job much more complicated than you might think.

Why does nil-coalescing compile faster with string interpolation than when used in expressions?

Most likely the problem is the + operator. The operator is heavily overloaded (e.g. for numbers) therefore there are multiple possible types. My guess is that ?? does not make much difference there, only to make the expression more complicated and therefore harder to evaluate.

Also note that there are multiple bugs reported for this, for example SR-2877 or SR-1107 (for integers).

Historically, there were also bugs related to ?? but I think many of them have been already fixed.

Swift: compile-time error with optional chaining and nil-coalescing

Type inferring is hard with complicated expressions. That [_] usually means that type is unknown - could not be inferred. Simplifying the expression solves the problem in 99% of the time:

class A<T> {
var val: T
var x: A<T>?
var y: A<T>?
val = t
func test() -> [T] {
let xResult = self.x?.test() ?? []
let yResult = self.y?.test() ?? []

return xResult + [val] + yResult

Another 99% of the time, type inferring problems can be solved by specifying a type explicitly:

return (self.x?.test() as [T]? ?? []) + [val] + (self.y?.test() ?? [])

You have found a workaround yourself. That workaround with parenthesis removes certain number of type inferring paths.

Reported as SR-4309

Xcode 13.3 Compiler Bug with multiple nil coalescing operators?

Received feedback on FB10005210 from Apple today, resolved with Xcode 14 Beta 3, Swift version 5.6.1 (swiftlang- clang-1316.0.20.12) /p>

Swift addition does not work if it's placed after Nil-Coalescing operator

Upon confirmation, I am now satisfied that it's due to + having higher precedence over ??. Putting code inside () did the trick for me to control the precedence in calculation

What is the role of the nil-coalescing operator ?? in optional chaining?

That's not the nil-coalescing operator you are seeing. The nil-coalescing operator is a binary operator, that needs to be placed between an Optional value and a non-Optional one or two Optional values. In your code example, that's clearly not the case.

What you are seeing is optional chaining on a nested-Optional.

let nestedOptional: Int?? = nil


You can create Optional values whose wrapped value is also an Optional, in which case you need to unwrap each optional layer one-by-one.

Nil coalescing operator in swift returns a weird result

There's a lot going on here:

  1. a overflows, becaue 128 is larger than the maximum value that can be stored in an Int8 (Int8.max = 127), thus it'll return nil.

    This nil, a.k.a. Optional.None is of type Optional<Int8> is not the type specified by the type annotation of a (Int8??, a.k.a. Optional<Optional<Int8>>), so it's wrapped in another optional, becoming Optional.Some(Optional.None), which is now the correct type.

  2. nilCoalescing() doesn't return anything. (Which actually means it returns (), a.k.a. Void)

  3. Don't do this explicit nil check and force unwrap (!): a != nil ? a! : b. Use ?? instead: a ?? b

What exactly are you trying to do here?

Compiler not understanding Nil Coalescing Operator on NSTimeInterval

Your problem is probably elsewhere. This runs just fine:

func optional() -> NSTimeInterval? {
return nil
func nonOptional() -> NSTimeInterval {
return 145

let duration = optional()
let time = duration ?? nonOptional()

Perhaps post some more of the surrounding code?

Nil coalescing operator for dictionary

Trying use like yours give you and error :
Left side of mutating operator has immutable type '[Int]?'

By putting parentheses it will be no compile error and it will work

var myDict = [String : [Int]]()
myDict["Algebra"]?.append(contentsOf: [98,78,83,92]) ?? (myDict["Algebra"] = [98,78,83,92])
print(myDict) // ["Algebra": [98, 78, 83, 92]]

Swift Documentation is here for Infix Operators.

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