Checking Conforms Protocol with Associatedtype in Swift

How to check conformance to protocol with associated type in Swift?

Compiler does not have enough information to compare the type until associated type is set.

When you refer to simple protocol, compiler knows its type from the beginning.
But when you refer to protocol with associated type, compiler doesn't know its type until you declare it.

protocol ExampleProtocol {
associatedtype SomeType
func foo(param: SomeType)

At this moment for compiler it looks like this:

protocol ExampleProtocol {
func foo(param: <I don't know it, so I'll wait until it's defined>)

When you declare a class conforming to the protocol

class A: ExampleProtocol {
typealias SomeType = String
func foo(param: SomeType) {


Compiler starts to see it like this:

protocol ExampleProtocol {
func foo(param: String)

And then it is able to compare types.

Checking if Any.Type conforms to a protocol in Swift

To check the pure Swift code, you can do:

protocol MySwiftProtocol: AnyObject {

class MySwiftClass: MySwiftProtocol {

if MySwiftClass.self as? MySwiftProtocol.Type != nil {
} else {
print("does not conform")

or more simply:

if MySwiftClass.self is MySwiftProtocol.Type {

swift how to determine associatedtype in sub protocol

How about

protocol TestProtocol {
associatedtype T: Equatable

struct TestProtocolContainer<U: Equatable>: TestProtocol {
typealias T = U

struct Test {
let value: TestProtocolContainer<Int>

When you declare a protocol with associatedtype (which offers static polymorphism, If you are interested in understanding various types of polymorphism and how to achieve it with protocol in swift do give a read to my blogpost here).

you cant use that protocol as Concrete type because compiler can't resolve the type of T during compilation. (Why during compilation, I said its static polymorphism remember :) )

So that's why compiler expects you to provide it someway to help it resolve the type of associatedtype during compilation. One way is by providing typealias and specifying the actual data type of associatedtype.

example :

struct TestProtocolContainer: TestProtocol {
typealias T = Int

This works great but then, you would want to make this Generic struct to represent any struct with Equatable type. Thats where Generics comes into picture.

struct TestProtocolContainer<U: Equatable>: TestProtocol {

This represents a Generic structure which uses any Equatable type and confirms TestProtocol and finally setting

typealias T = U

Ensures confirmation to TestProtocol

Hope this helps

returning swift protocol associated type in multiple methods

The solution you came up with by playing around is exactly what you need

As mentioned elsewhere, the main issue with your first protocol is that you're enforcing createSomeView() createAnotherView() both return the same type. While ViewA() and ViewB() are both candidates for V, since they conform to View they are still different types, and therefore cannot BOTH be V in a given object.

By defining both V1 and V2, you allow for each function to return a different type, or the same type, it's all acceptable. By making both V1 and V2 require View conformance, you allow for the some View syntax

Check if two objects implement a Swift protocol and its associated type

It was trickier than I expected (so I deleted my previous post to avoid confusion) but I believe this should work for you:

 protocol ViewModelContainerVC 
mutating func setModel(_ :Any)

protocol ViewModelContainer:class,ViewModelContainerVC
associatedtype ViewModelType
var viewModel: ViewModelType! { get set }

extension ViewModelContainer
mutating func setModel(_ model:Any)
{ if model is ViewModelType { viewModel = model as! ViewModelType } }

You can then use the ViewModelContainerVC for type casting and assignment:

 if let container = container as? ViewModelContainerVC 

[EDIT] for future reference, here's the same thing with a Bool return for type compatibility:

 protocol ViewModelContainerVC 
@discardableResult mutating func setModel(_ :Any) -> Bool

extension ViewModelContainer
@discardableResult mutating func setModel(_ model:Any) -> Bool
if let validModel = model as? ViewModelType
{ viewModel = validModel; return true }
return false

Which will allow a combined condition :

 if var container = container as? ViewModelContainerVC,
{ ... }

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