Pod Install Gpuimage Does Not Work

Pod install GPUImage does not work

it's my bad, i got the solution:

You then need to add a new Copy Files build phase, set the Destination
to Frameworks, and add the GPUImage.framework build product to that.
This will allow the framework to be bundled with your application
(otherwise, you'll see cryptic "dyld: Library not loaded:
@rpath/GPUImage.framework/GPUImage" errors on execution).

xcode 5 can't add the gpuimage project to my xcode project

You could use cocoapods to manage your dependencies, it's simple to use and to update.

IMHO, it also makes your project cleaner.

If you still want to install it manually, make sure you have followed this "tutorial":


Otherwise, use cocoaPods! :

1- open terminal and install cocoapods with gem :

$> sudo gem install cocoapods

2- go into your project folder:

$> pod init

// it will create a Podfile

3- Edit the Podfile and copy past:

platform :ios, "7.0"

pod 'GPUImage', '~> 0.1.0'

// save and close the file

4- install dependencies:

$> pod install

// on a successful install enter:

$> open projectName.xcworkspace/

// it will open your xcode project with your dependencies already set up

5- Import GPUImage in ViewController

6- Enjoy!

How do you add GPUImage to an iOS project?

I don't know how I could be much clearer than the step-by-step instructions I put on the very first page of the GitHub project and in the README.md under the section "Adding the framework to your iOS project":

Once you have the latest source code for the framework, it's fairly
straightforward to add it to your application. Start by dragging the
GPUImage.xcodeproj file into your application's Xcode project to embed
the framework in your project. Next, go to your application's target
and add GPUImage as a Target Dependency. Finally, you'll want to drag
the libGPUImage.a library from the GPUImage framework's Products
folder to the Link Binary With Libraries build phase in your
application's target.

GPUImage needs a few other frameworks to be linked into your
application, so you'll need to add the following as linked libraries
in your application target:

  • CoreMedia
  • CoreVideo
  • OpenGLES
  • AVFoundation
  • QuartzCore

You'll also need to find the framework headers, so within your
project's build settings set the Header Search Paths to the relative
path from your application to the framework/ subdirectory within the
GPUImage source directory. Make this header search path recursive.

To use the GPUImage classes within your application, simply include
the core framework header using the following:

#import "GPUImage.h"

As a note: if you run into the error "Unknown class GPUImageView in
Interface Builder" or the like when trying to build an interface with
Interface Builder, you may need to add -ObjC to your Other Linker
Flags in your project's build settings.

Also, if you need to deploy this to iOS 4.x, it appears that the
current version of Xcode (4.3) requires that you weak-link the Core
Video framework in your final application or you see crashes with the
message "Symbol not found: _CVOpenGLESTextureCacheCreate" when you
create an archive for upload to the App Store or for ad hoc
distribution. To do this, go to your project's Build Phases tab,
expand the Link Binary With Libraries group, and find
CoreVideo.framework in the list. Change the setting for it in the far
right of the list from Required to Optional.

Additionally, this is an ARC-enabled framework, so if you want to use
this within a manual reference counted application targeting iOS 4.x,
you'll need to add -fobjc-arc to your Other Linker Flags as well.

To see this in action, look at any of the many sample applications I ship with the framework.

GPUImage.h not found

Your path has to be relative to the actual directory location relative to the project file. If you change it to this:


then it will work just fine.

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