How to Move Platform with Velocity

How to move platform with velocity

You should edit this one to make it more clear. It looks like you want to use the physics engine to achieve the moving platform effect instead of using SKActions because you need your platforms to be dynamic and interact with the physics engine (like in this example).

So you have two options. The first is to move your node to a point, and keep checking if the node arrived at that point. If it did, then move the node back to its starting point. To move a node to a particular point using real-time motion, you can see my answer here. If your platforms only move in one direction (horizontal or vertical) then you should only apply the velocity in that direction.

Another approach I often use when moving platforms is centripetal motion. This will allow you to move platforms in a circle. What's even cooler is that if you restrict the centripetal motion to one direction (horizontal or vertical) then you can move the platform easily and get a perfect ease-in and ease-out effect. You can see an example of how to simulate real-time centripetal motion in my answer here.

Below is the code for moving the platform horizontally by exploiting this centripetal motion effect I described above. What's nice about this is that it allows you to set the radius as well as the period of the platform's motion. But if you need your platform to travel some arbitrary path of points this won't work, so you will need to resort to using the first option that I mentioned.

class GameScene: SKScene {
var platform: SKSpriteNode!
var platformAngularDistance: CGFloat = 0

override func didMoveToView(view: SKView) {
physicsWorld.gravity = CGVector(dx: 0, dy: 0)
platform = SKSpriteNode(color: SKColor.redColor(), size: CGSize(width: 80, height: 20))
platform.position = CGPoint(x: self.size.width/2.0+50, y: self.size.height/2.0)
platform.physicsBody = SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: platform.size)
override func update(currentTime: NSTimeInterval) {
let dt: CGFloat = 1.0/60.0 //Delta Time
let period: CGFloat = 3 //Number of seconds it takes to complete 1 orbit.
let orbitPosition = CGPoint(x: self.size.width/2.0, y: self.size.height/2.0) //Point to orbit.
let orbitRadius: CGFloat = 50 /*CGPoint(x: 50, y: 50)*/ //Radius of orbit.
let normal = CGVector(dx:orbitPosition.x + CGFloat(cos(self.platformAngularDistance)) * orbitRadius, dy:0 /*orbitPosition.y + CGFloat(sin(self.node2AngularDistance))*orbitRadius.y*/)
self.platformAngularDistance += (CGFloat(M_PI)*2.0)/period*dt;
if (self.platformAngularDistance>CGFloat(M_PI)*2)
self.platformAngularDistance = 0
if (self.platformAngularDistance < 0) {
self.platformAngularDistance = CGFloat(M_PI)*2
platform.physicsBody!.velocity = CGVector(dx:(normal.dx-platform.position.x)/dt ,dy:0/*(normal.dy-platform.position.y)/dt*/);


Standing on moving platform disables movement

I rebuilt your setup with exactly those scripts you posted here, but everything seems to work well for me. My guess is that something goes wrong when you set the parent objects. Since everything looks alright with your trigger and collission setup, I would suggest the following:

  • Try manipulating the left and right going with velocity instead of position as well, since that seems the be the only visible difference between jump and movement that I can see right now.
  • Could it be that you are grabbing the wrong rigidbody component when trying to move while on the platform? (For example, you're grabbing the one of the platform instead of the one of the player?)

I hope that helped in some way! (I would have posted it as a comment, but I dont have enough rep yet)

Move an enemy on top of a moving platform

Adding transform.Translate(myVelocity * Time.deltaTime); without relative velocity correction fixed this, though I do not fully understand why.

void Update()
if (IsFacingRightOrUp())
if (moveVertical)
myVelocity = new Vector2(0f, moveSpeed);
myVelocity = new Vector2(moveSpeed, 0f);
if (moveVertical)
myVelocity = new Vector2(0f, -moveSpeed);
myVelocity = new Vector2(-moveSpeed, 0f);
myRigidBody.velocity = myVelocity;
transform.Translate(myVelocity * Time.deltaTime);

Sample Image

Unity3D - Detecting Collisions on a Moving Platform

Translation allows "teleporting" though the wall as you observed. If you are fast enough, or FPS are low enough, it will pass though the wall.


  1. Secure the translation with a Raycast. From old to new position.
  2. Secure the translation with a Spherecast or Boxcast
  3. Apply the velocity of the platform + playerinput (so you can still walk) to the player.

Also check out the Collision Detection settings:

Sample Image

But please note, that moving the object in scene using your mouse will not set the velocity of the rigidbody. So to test if it's not passing through the wall, you need to ping-pong your platform using physics.

Issue with player landing on moving platform - Infinite Runner

Create a new Physics Material and set its Bounciness to 0, and Bounce Combine to minimum. Then apply the material to your platform prefab or manually to all platforms. It should prevent the bouncy behavior.

As for moving together with a platform, just revert to your previous implementation where Player wasn't a child object.

Physic Material in Unity Docs

Adding ease in and out to moving platforms with spritekit for 2d platformer

Ease in out function

If we consider the time for the platform to move from one side to the other as one unit ( it might be 10 seconds, or 17 frames, it does not matter, we work in units for now).

We do the same with the distance. The platform must move one unit distance in one unit of time.

For this answer time is t and the position is a function of time written as f(t) is the platform position at time t.

For simple linear movement then the function is simply f(t)=t. So at time t=0 the distance moved is 0, at time 0.5 (half way) the distance is 0.5 (half way), and so on.

So lets put that into something a little more practical.

Please excuse my swift I have never used it befor (I am sure you can correct any syntax I get wrong).

// First normalise the distance and time (make them one unit long)
// get the distance
let distance = Double(xPositionStopGoingLeft - xPositionStopGoingRight);

// use that and the velocity to get the time to travel
let timeToTravel = distance / Double(velAmountX);

// first we have a frame ticker
gameTick += 1; // that ticks for every frame

// We can assume that the platform is always moving back and forth

// Now is the unit time where at now = 2 the platform has move there and back
// at 3 it has move across again and at 4 back again.
let now = Double(gameTick) / timeToTravel; // normalize time.

// get the remainder of 2 as from 0-1 is moving forward and 1-2 is back
let phase = now % 2.0;

// We also need the unit time for the function f(t)=t
let t = abs(phase - 1);
if phase >= 1 { t = 1 - t } // reverse for return

// implement the function f(t) = t where f(t) is dist
let dist = t

// and convert back to pixel distance
platform.position.x = Int(dist * distance + Double(xPositionStopGoingLeft));

So that is the linear platform. To make the movement change all we need to do is change the function f(t)=?, in the above its the line let dist = t

For a ease in out there is a handy function that is used in most ease applications f(t) = t * t / ((t * t) + (1 - t) * ( 1 - t))

There are some t*t which are powers, t to the power of 2 or t^2 . In swift its pow(t,2) so rewriting the above as code

let dist = pow(t,2) / (pow(t,2) + pow((1-t),2);

This gives a nice ease at the start and end As the distance and time traveled is constant the speed at the middle point t = 0.5 must be greater to catch up with the slow start and end. (Side note, Get the derivative of the above function lets you workout the speed at every point in time f'(t) = speed(t) = 2(-(t-1)t)^(2-1) /(t^2+(1-t)^2)^2)

This function is so nice, the speed at time 0.5 is 2, the same as the power (for the linear journey it would be 1). A handy property of the function is that the speed at the mid way point is always the same as the power. If you want it to move really fast at the midpoint say 4 times as fast then you use the power of 4

let dist = pow(t,4) / (pow(t,4) + pow((1-t),4);

If you want it only to speed up a little say 1.2 times the speed at the center then the power is 1.2

let dist = pow(t,1.2) / (pow(t,1.2) + pow((1-t),1.2);   

So now we can introduce another term, maxSpeed which is the normalised maxSpeed (Side note more precisely it is the speed at t=0.5 as it can be the slower than 1, but for our need max speed will do)

let maxSpeed = Double(velAmountX + 3) / Double(velAmountX); // 3 pixels per frame faster

and the function f(t) = t^m / (t^m + (1-t)^m) where m is maxSpeed.

and as code

let dist = pow(t,maxSpeed ) / (pow(t,maxSpeed ) + pow((1-t),maxSpeed);

So put that all together

// the next 3 lines can be constats
let distance = Double(xPositionStopGoingLeft - xPositionStopGoingRight);
let timeToTravel = distance / Double(velAmountX);
let maxSpeed = Double(velAmountX + 3) / Double(velAmountX);

gameTick += 1; // that ticks for every frame

let now = Double(gameTick) / timeToTravel; // normalize time.
let phase = now % 2.0;
let t = abs(phase - 1);
if phase >= 1 { t = 1 - t } // reverse for return

// the next line is the ease function
let dist = pow(t, maxSpeed) / (pow(t, maxSpeed) + pow((1-t) ,maxSpeed);

// position the platform
platform.position.x = Int(dist * distance + Double(xPositionStopGoingLeft));

Now you can at any tick calculate the position of the platform. If you want to slow the whole game down and step frames at half ticks it still will work. if you speed the game up gameTick += 2 it still works.

Also the max speed can be lower than the linear speed. If you want the platform to be half the normal speed at the center t=0.5 the set maxSpeed = 0.5 and at the halfway point the speed will be half. To keep everything working the ease at the start and end will be quicker a rush in and rush out. (and works for reverse as well)

To help maybe a visual representation

Sample Image

Image shows the movement of the platform back and forth over time. The distance is about 60 pixels and the time can be 1 minute. So at 1 min it will be one the right 2min on the left, and so on.

Then we normalise the movement and time by looking only at one section of movement.

Sample Image

The graph represents the movement from left to right side, the distance is 1, and the time is 1. It has just been scaled to fit the unit box (1 by 1 box).

The red line represent the linear movement f(t)=t (constant speed). At any point of time you move across hit the line move down and you can find the distance traveled.

The green line represents the ease function f(t)=t*t/(t*t+(1-t)*(1-t)) and it works the same. At any point of time scan across to find the green line and move down to get the distance. the function f(t) does that for you.

With the maxSpeed the steepness of the line at dist 0.5 is changed, with steeper slope representing faster travel.

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