Instance Member 'View' Cannot Be Used on Type 'Gamescene'

Instance member 'view' cannot be used on type 'GameScene'

Your problem is you're using self before your GameScene instance has been fully initialised. If you take a look at the end of line 5:

var titleLabel = StandardLabel(..., sceneWidth: view.scene.frame.maxX) 
// Would be a good idea to use `let` here if you're not changing `titleLabel`.

Here you're referencing self.view.

To solve this I would lazily initialise titleLabel:

lazy var titleLabel: StandardLabel = StandardLabel(..., sceneWidth: self.view!.scene.frame.maxX) 
// You need to explicitly reference `self` when creating lazy properties.
// You also need to explicitly state the type of your property.

From The Swift Programming Language: Properties, on Lazy Stored Properties:

A lazy stored property is a property whose initial value is not calculated until the first time it is used.

Therefore, by the time you use titleLabel in didMoveToView, self has been fully initialised and it's safe to use self.view!.frame.maxX (see below for how to achieve the same result without needing to force unwrap view).


Taking a look at the picture of your error:

Sample Image

Your first problem is you need to explicitly state the type of the property when using lazy variables. Secondly you need to explicitly reference self when using lazy properties:

lazy var label: UILabel = 
UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: self.view!.scene!.frame.maxX, y: 5, width: 5, height: 5))

You could clean this up a bit though by not using view to get to scene - you've already got a reference to scene - it's self!

lazy var label: UILabel = 
UILabel(frame: CGRect(x: self.frame.maxX, y: 5, width: 5, height: 5))

Swift: Instance member cannot be used on type

Try making a method inside the Data class like this .

func getusrid ()-> String
var id = (user.userId).string
return id ;


You cannot get value from instance variable outside any method


class Data {

static let sharedInstance = Data()
let id:String?
let quarterlyEndpoint: String?

let user = Users()
private init()
id = String((user.userId))
quarterlyEndpoint = "http://anyapi/api/users/\(id)/quarterly/tasks"



Coding SpriteKit game and I am receiving Instance member 'minX' cannot be used on type 'CGRect

minX, maxX, etc are instance properties, which mean they need to be called on a CGRect instance, not the type itself.





Side Note: It's important in Swift (and other languages as well) to understand the distinction between types and instances. In Swift the convention is to name types starting with capital letters and instances starting with lowercase letters.

Your line of code

let CheeseBlock = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "CheeseBlock\(randomImageNumber)")

should be changed to

let cheeseBlock = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "CheeseBlock\(randomImageNumber)")

This makes it easier to tell which variables are types and which are instances.

What's wrong here: Instance member cannot be used on type

The problem here is that you are using self before the class is fully initialised. You can either have a getter which will be called every time you access the variable or compute it lazily.

Here is some code:

class TableViewController: UITableViewController {
let mydate = NSDate()
var items : [(Int,Int,Int,String,NSDate)] {
get {
return [
(1, 9, 7, "A", mydate),
(2, 9, 7, "B", mydate),
(3, 9, 7, "C", mydate),
(4, 9, 7, "D", mydate)


Lazy computation:

class TableViewController: UITableViewController {
let mydate = NSDate()
lazy var items : [(Int,Int,Int,String,NSDate)] = {

return [
(1, 9, 7, "A", self.mydate),
(2, 9, 7, "B", self.mydate),
(3, 9, 7, "C", self.mydate),
(4, 9, 7, "D", self.mydate)


instance member baseURL cannot be used on type URL

You're calling baseURL on the class URL, not an actual instance of URL. It would be like trying to eat not an apple, but the word "apple". Try this instead:

func getFileURL() -> URL {
let fileName = (imagePath! as NSString).lastPathComponent
let dirPath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true)[0]
let fileURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: dirPath, isDirectory: true).appendingPathComponent(fileName)
return fileURL.baseURL!

EDIT: I'm not exactly sure about what you're trying to ask, so you may need to change return fileURL.baseURL! to return fileURL.

My GameScene is not positioned correctly after switching scene

Take a look at scene.anchorPoint, maybe you accidentally changed it. Default is CGPoint(x: 0.5, y: 0.5).

My GameScene reloads whenever my Text view updates

Scene is a model, and you create new scene (right in call) on each update, so SpriteView thinks it should rebuild.

Try the following:

struct ContentView: View {
@EnvironmentObject var mainData: MainData

@State private var scene = GameScene() // << here, or put in MainData !!

var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geo in
Group {
if mainData.showSpriteScene {
SpriteView(scene: scene, // << here !!
transition: SKTransition.reveal(with: .down, duration: 1.0))

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