No Code Signature Found After Pod Installed in Xcode 8

No code signature found after pod installed in Xcode 8

From Rashwan L answer. I tried those 3 steps. But, It didn't solved my problem.May be it could works for different scenario.I was reading the same article link is in the post.Article mentioned the error can be solved by either code signing the pod project or bypass code signing to modify the pod file.

As soon as,I code signed the pod project.Everything start working on a first go...

Article Info as below:

Swift Framework Libraries Require Code Signing but NOT Objective-C

Digging into the problem a bit further, we discovered that the new Swift framework was building properly and just the pre-existing Objective-C Pods (formerly static libraries) were failing with the Code Sign Error. Time to hit the Google!
After much research on CocoaPods GitHub Issues page and looking over some similar problems with the latest iOS/OS X dependency manager Carthage, I realized that the Objective-C libraries should NOT be getting code signed. Swift frameworks require code signing because they embed the Swift standard library and runtime, enabling use of older Swift code in a newer project. Apple requires Code Signing to verify the runtime code that’s being copied into an iOS app (helps enforce the iOS security sandbox). The old school Objective-C static libraries do not need this and actually do not even support it, hence the weird build error about “No signing identities matching team ID (null).”

The Solution - Disable Code Signing
One solution would be to manually edit each Pod library target and disable Code Signing. Not a great option since those build settings will be re-created each time pod install is re-run. After perusing the CocoaPods documentation, we found the solution. A “Post Install” script that modifies the Pod targets before they are saved to disk (and integrated into the Xcode Workspace.) We manually disable Code Signing via the appropriate Build Settings for each of the Pod dependencies. Add this to the bottom of your Podfile and your Code Signing error will be resolved!

  post_install do |installer|
installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['EXPANDED_CODE_SIGN_IDENTITY'] = ""
config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED'] = "NO"
config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = "NO"

I hope, This answer will helps someone...

Xcode: App installation failed No code signature found

I go to project > build setting and set signing > code signing identity to iOS developer

It work fine

iOS app testing. App installation failed. No code signature found

In my case, the problem was unsigned frameworks.

Xcode 11 or above:

Go to Build Phases, expand Embedded Frameworks and select all Code Sign on Copy checkboxes.

Xcode 10 or earlier:

Build Phases > Copy Files > Code Sign on Copy (select all checkboxes)

Code Sign on Copy selected in every row

The code signature version is no longer supported


This answer is mostly for people using older versions of Xcode. My build farm was for a time stuck at Xcode 12.4 because some Mac minis couldn't be upgraded past Catalina. If you are using a recent Xcode 13+ this is not your issue. Probably cruft of some kind in your project.

If you're still using an Xcode 12 release it is time to let go. The only reason to use 12.4 would be because you're stuck on Catalina and new problems are cropping up that will not be worked around so easily.

codesign --generate-entitlement-der

Apple has changed the codesign signature to include DER encoded entitlements in addition to the plist encoded entitlements. This additional DER encoded entitlements section is required in iOS 15 and becomes the default behavior of codesign in the latest Xcode. To use codesign on an older machines with an older version of Xcode add the --generate-entitlement-der flag to your call to codesign.

If signing through Xcode, you can add this flag to the OTHER_CODE_SIGN_FLAGS setting in the Build Settings tab.

Sample Image

If codesigning at the command-line:

CODESIGN_ALLOCATE=$( xcrun --find codesign_allocate ); export CODESIGN_ALLOCATE
xcrun codesign --generate-entitlement-der ...

The source of this information was the Apple Forum thread and the answer from Matt Eaton in DTS at Apple.

In the Xcode 12.5 Release Notes there is also a reference to the new signature format. However, it seems the information is not entirely correct.

General advice

If you have a non-trivial setup like CocoaPods, you should probably de-integrate and re-integrate and of course do a project clean. These sorts of 'me too' answers really just add noise to the signal and anyone doing this sort of development should have already tried this.

The code signature version is no longer supported with Xcode 13

It ended up being that Xcode needed to be cleaned

Select Menu Bar > Product > Clean

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