How to Make a Extension for Array of Specific Type in Swift

How can I extend typed Arrays in Swift?

For extending typed arrays with classes, the below works for me (Swift 2.2). For example, sorting a typed array:

class HighScoreEntry {
let score:Int

extension Array where Element == HighScoreEntry {
func sort() -> [HighScoreEntry] {
return sort { $0.score < $1.score }

Trying to do this with a struct or typealias will give an error:

Type 'Element' constrained to a non-protocol type 'HighScoreEntry'


To extend typed arrays with non-classes use the following approach:

typealias HighScoreEntry = (Int)

extension SequenceType where Generator.Element == HighScoreEntry {
func sort() -> [HighScoreEntry] {
return sort { $0 < $1 }

In Swift 3 some types have been renamed:

extension Sequence where Iterator.Element == HighScoreEntry 
// ...

How can I make a extension for array of specific type in Swift

for say the specific type is S

extension CollectionType where Generator.Element == S {

CollectionType Protocol

Extending Arrays of Arrays - Swift 4.1

You can extend in either way

extension Array where Element == Int {

func someIntegers() {


extension Array where Element == Array<String> {

func someStrings() {


and call like this anywhere,

[0, 1, 2].someIntegers()


Swift Array extension with generic items

Try this:

import Foundation

protocol Section {
associatedtype InfoT: Equatable
associatedtype ItemsT: Equatable
var info: InfoT? { get }
var items: [ItemsT] { get }

extension Array where Element: Section {
// Just dummy example function:
func debugDummy() {
for section in self {
let info =
print("section info: \(String(describing: info)).")
for item in section.items {
print("item: \(item).")

Extension of Set where element is an Array of a specific type

Since you cannot make Array<NSOperation> conform to Hashable you'll have to make a small wrapper-struct.


struct NSOperationList {

var operations = [NSOperation]()

and then build all functionality you need on top of NSOperationList.

So if you want to add support for Set:

extension NSOperationList: Hashable {

var hashValue: Int {
return operations.reduce(0) { $0 ^ $1.hashValue }

func == (a: NSOperationList, b: NSOperationList) -> Bool {
return a.operations == b.operations

Extending typed array by conforming to a protocol in Swift 2

You can't apply a lot of logic to conformance. It either does or does not conform. You can however apply a little bit of logic to extensions. The code below makes it easy to set specific implementations of conformance. Which is the important part.

This is used as a typed constraint later.

class SomeType { }

This is your protocol

protocol SomeProtocol {

func foo()


This is an extension of the protocol. The implementation of foo() in an extension of SomeProtocol creates a default.

extension SomeProtocol {

func foo() {

Now Array conforms to SomeProtocol using the default implementation of foo(). All arrays will now have foo() as a method, which is not super elegant. But it doesn't do anything, so it's not hurting anyone.

extension Array : SomeProtocol {}

Now the cool stuff:
If we create an extension to Array with a type constraint for Element we can override the default implementation of foo()

extension Array where Element : SomeType {
func foo() {


let arrayOfInt = [1,2,3] // prints "general"

let arrayOfSome = [SomeType()] // prints "specific"

How to extend Array for generic type?

You can declare a generic parameter in initializer definition.

extension Array {

init<T>(node: LinkedNode<T>)
where Element == LinkedNode<T>
var result = [LinkedNode<T>]()
node.traverseList { result.append($0) }
self = result

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