Redeclaring Members in an Extension Hides the Original Member *Sometimes*. Why

Redeclaring members in an extension hides the original member *sometimes*. Why?

This works because you are declaring this extension in a separate module from the original variable declaration.

Across modules a variable name can be overloaded but in my mind this has been a shortcoming of Swift as there is currently no way to explicitly state which module declaration it is that you want.

Swift override function in extension

From the documentation:

Extensions can add new functionality to a type, but they cannot override existing functionality.

The documentation lists carefully and precisely what an extension is allowed to do.

As to your question:

Is there anyway to override a function of a particular class

Yes, it's called subclassing.

Dynamic dispatching protocol extension doesn't work multiple targets

Your Project module declares MyClass's conformance to ProtocolA.

Swift implements that conformance using a data structure called a “protocol witness table”. For each method declared by the protocol, the witness table contains a function that calls the actual implementation of the method for the conforming type.

To be concrete, there is a witness table for the conformance of MyClass to ProtocolA. That witness table contains a function for the dontCrash method declared by ProtocolA. That function in the witness table calls the MyClass dontCrash method.

You can see the function from the protocol witness table in the stack trace when your test case hits fatalError:

#8  0x00000001003ab9d9 in _assertionFailure(_:_:file:line:flags:) ()
#9 0x00000001000016fc in ProtocolA.dontCrash() at /Users/rmayoff/TestProjects/Project/Project/AppDelegate.swift:11
#10 0x0000000100001868 in protocol witness for ProtocolA.dontCrash() in conformance MyClass ()
#11 0x000000010000171e in ProtocolA.tryCrash() at /Users/rmayoff/TestProjects/Project/Project/AppDelegate.swift:15
#12 0x00000001030f1987 in ProjectTests.testExample() at /Users/rmayoff/TestProjects/Project/ProjectTests/ProjectTests.swift:12
#13 0x00000001030f19c4 in @objc ProjectTests.testExample() ()

Frame #10 is the call from tryCrash to the function in the protocol witness table. Frame #9 is the call from the protocol witness table function to the actual implementation of dontCrash.

Swift emits the protocol witness table in the module that declares the conformance. So, in your case, the witness table is part of the Project module.

Your override of dontCrash in your test bundle cannot change the contents of the witness table. It's too late for that. The witness table was fully defined when Swift generated the Project module.

Here's why it has to be this way:

Suppose I'm the author of the Project module and you're just a user of it. When I wrote the Project module, I knew calling MyClass().dontCrash() would call fatalError, and I relied on this behavior. In many places inside Project, I called MyClass().dontCrash() specifically because I knew it would call fatalError. You, as a user of Project, don't know how much Project depends on that behavior.

Now you use the Project module in your app, but you retroactively change MyClass().dontCrash() to not call fatalError. Now all those places where Project calls MyClass().dontCrash() don't behave in the way that I expected when I wrote the Project module. You have broken the Project module, even though you didn't change the source code of the Project module or any of the modules that Project imports.

It's critical to the correct operation of the Project module that this not happen. So the only way to change what MyClass().dontCrash() means (when called from inside the Project module) is to change the source code of the Project module itself (or change the source code of something that Project imports).

why multiple optionals(wrap nil) compare with operator == return false?

There are four kinds of values that a Int??? can have:

  1. .none (nil)
  2. .some(.none) (a non nil Int??? wrapping a nil Int??)
  3. .some(.some(.none)) (a non nil Int??? wrapping a non nil Int?? wrapping a nil Int?)
  4. .some(.some(.some(n))) where n is an Int (an Int wrapped by 3 layers of Optionals)

Similarly, there are three kinds of values that an Int?? can have

  1. .none
  2. .some(.none)
  3. .some(.some(n)) where n is an Int

When you write nil, it always means .none of whatever type that context needs, so both opt1 and opt2 are .none here.

What happens when you pass them to the == operator? Well, After some overload resolution/type inference, the compiler finds that == takes a two Int??? parameters, but you have passed an Int?? as the second argument. Luckily, there exists a conversion from any value t of type T to type T? - .some(t).

So after being passed into the ==, opt2 changes from .none to .some(.none), as you can see from this code snippet:

func test(lhs: Int???, rhs: Int???) {
if case .none = lhs, case .some(.none) = rhs {
print("lhs is .none and rhs is .some(.none)")

test(lhs: opt1, rhs: opt2) // prints

Hence they are "not equal".

The debugger seems to be showing both .none and .some(.none) as "nil", possibly because both of their debugDescription/description is "nil".

If you don't care about the multiple layers of optionals, you can just unwrap them to a single layer by doing as? Int, then compare:

print((opt1 as? Int) == (opt2 as? Int)) // true

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