What Would Be a Proper Storyboard Example of Combining Nav Bars and Tab Bars in One App

what would be a proper storyboard example of combining nav bars and tab bars in one app?

Here is how to set it up in your Storyboard. The TabBarController is the main controller. Each item of the TabBarController has its own NavigationController:

Sample Image

You probably want to use a TableViewController for your lists. Here I have shown the TableViewController as the rootViewController of the NavigationController.

A quick way to construct this is to delete everything in the Storyboard and then drag out two TableViewControllers placing one directly above the other. Select both by dragging an outline around them both, and then select Editor->Embed In->Tab Bar Controller from the menu. Then select each TableViewController in turn and select Editor->Embed In->Navigation Controller.

Combining Tab Bar, Navigation and Table View Controllers

If you drag and drop a tabBarController in your storyboard, it will be attached to two viewControllers. Let's say you want the first viewController to be a navigationController: select it, press Editor > Embed In > Navigation Controller. Now, you'll see your viewController attached to a navigationController attached to your tabBarController. You can put a tableView inside it, if you want. Then you need to assign each viewController to your custom classes.

I think this tutorial will help you a lot: http://www.raywenderlich.com/50308/storyboards-tutorial-in-ios-7-part-1. In fact, it uses tabBar, navigation and tableView.

Have a NavigationController within a TabBarController Item

In the storyboard give each page view controller it's own navigation controller and make the navigation controllers the view controllers pointed to by the tab bar controller.
Do it like so:
navigation controllers with tab bar controller

Having problems with combined tab bar and navigation bar controllers

It looks like it is behaving as expected, the back button is for your root navigation controller and when you use the 'back' button it pops your tab bar controller. I actually expected you to see two navigation bars, your root one and the one in the My Meals tab, unless you hide one.

You could hide the root navigation bar when you push the tab bar, but you'll probably need a button in each tab's navigation bar which pops the tab bar from the root navigational controller.

Beyowulf's suggestion of presenting it as a modal is another option.

How to implement tab bar controller with navigation controller in right way

Hi you need to embed each view controller that is within the tab bar in a navigation controller of its own. So the flow is like so (HomeVC is embedded in a NavController of it's own):

                                         / --> `NavController` --> `ViewController1`
| --> `NavController` --> `ViewController2`
`HomeViewController`-->`TabBarController`|--> `NavController` --> `ViewController3`
\--> `NavController` --> `ViewController4`
  1. Go to Editor --> Embed In --> Tab Bar Controller (or Navigation Controller)

How to embed correctly

To answer your questions:

Each tab of a tab bar controller interface is associated with a custom (different [sic]) view controller. When the user selects a specific tab, the tab bar controller displays the root view of the corresponding view controller, replacing any previous views.

So the Root View Controller of the tab must be adjoined to a Navigation Controller; a navigation view controller must be next inline in order for the View Controller to inherit a Navigation. A Tab Bar switches views to whatever is next inline.

This document will help outline more information about it. https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uitabbarcontroller

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