Swift Realm Property '*' Has Been Added to Latest Object Model Migration

Swift Realm Property '*' has been added to latest object model MIGRATION

You have to incremented your schemaVersion and provide a migrationBlock on your RLMRealmConfiguration. In there you can migrate tables. But you don't need that in your specific case here. The addition of properties can be handled automatically. You'll still need an empty block.

let config = RLMRealmConfiguration.defaultConfiguration()
config.schemaVersion = 1
config.migrationBlock = { (migration, oldSchemaVersion) in
// nothing to do

realm migration error Property 'x' has been added

I made two table and two different schemaVersion
But I changed one version and migration
Now I've changed two versions and I've got same migration for them

I must used module for each table but I didn't do it

Realm Migration: Migrating objects to another

You don't need to do anything with LinkingObjects, realm calculates those automatically when you query them.

All you'll need to do in your migration is set media to be a new Media object with the values you already have.

Other notes:

  • The second enumerateObjects isn't needed.
  • You can remove image, coverImage, and video from Item since you're moving those value to Media

Edit: This is what you would need to have in your migration.

let media = Media()
media.fullImage = oldItem?["image"] as! String
media.thumbnailImage = oldItem?["coverImage"] as! String
media.video = oldItem?["video"] as! String

newItem?["media"] = media

iOS (Swift), Realm migration add a new property to store another realm object

Is RMOHomebook.general property Object subclass type? RealmSwift doesn't support making optional Object type properties. It is the current limitation of Realm underlying storage engine.

to-one relationships must be optional


See also Realm object definitions cheatsheet. https://realm.io/docs/swift/latest/#cheatsheet

RealmMigrationNeededException: Migration is required Realm, while adding new table on existing database, Android

     if(oldVersion == 2){
.addField(DBHelper.COLUMN_NAME_ID, int.class)
.addField(DBHelper.COLUMN_NAME_WORD, String.class, FieldAttribute.REQUIRED)
.addField(DBHelper.COLUMN_NAME_OBJECT_ID, String.class, FieldAttribute.REQUIRED)
.addField(DBHelper.COLUMN_NAME_PRONOUCE, String.class, FieldAttribute.REQUIRED)
.addField(DBHelper.COLUMN_NAME_TYPE, String.class, FieldAttribute.REQUIRED)
.addField(DBHelper.COLUMN_NAME_MEANING, String.class, FieldAttribute.REQUIRED);

On your test phone, just uninstall/reinstall the app afterwards, or you'll need to bump the schema version and change the fields to the right type.

Unable to do a Realm migration in Swift

This exception will be thrown when stored data doesn’t match the model you have in code.

You shouldn’t need to do anything in the migration block, however you will need to trigger a migration by updating the value of Realm.Configuration.schemaVersion, e.g.:

schemaVersion: 3,

RLMException: 'Primary key property 'serial' does not exist on object 'Book' Migrating to Swift 4

In Realm, the properties of your model have to have the @objc dynamic var attribute, that is what I was missing.

From Realm website:

Realm model properties must have the @objc dynamic var attribute to become accessors for the underlying database data. Note that if the class is declared as @objcMembers (Swift 4 or later), the individual properties can just be declared as dynamic var.

How to add existing objects on a new class on Realm Migration in Android

Rely on the power of the DynamicRealm API.

public class MyMigration implements Realm.Migration {    
public void migrate(DynamicRealm realm, long oldVersion, long newVersion) {
RealmSchema schema = realm.getSchema();
if(oldVersion == 0) {
RealmObjectSchema foo = schema.get("Foo");
RealmObjectSchema userFooList = schema.create("UserFooList");
userFooList.addField("name", String.class);
userFooList.addRealmListField("items", foo);

DynamicRealmObject userList = realm.createObject("UserFooList");
userList.setString("name", "favorites");
RealmList<DynamicRealmObject> listItems = userList.getList("items");
RealmResults<DynamicRealmObject> favoriteFoos = realm.where("Foo").equalTo("favorite", true).findAll();
for(DynamicRealmObject fooObj: favoriteFoos) {

@Override public boolean equals(Object object) {
return object != null && object instanceof MyMigration;

@Override public int hashCode() {
return MyMigration.class.hashCode();

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