Swift: How to Get Form Values Using Eureka Form Builder

Swift: How to get form values using Eureka form builder?

I figured it out myself. It wasn't immediately clear to me that you need to set tags on the rows you want to retrieve the value from:

<<< NameRow() {
$0.tag = "NameRow"
$0.title = "Name:"
$0.value = "My name"

let dict = form.values(includeHidden: true)

print(dict["NameRow"]) // Prints my name

Get values from Eureka Forms in Swift

You need to use the .onChange to update your values once DateRow or TextRow changes, or you can access directly to the value with form.rowBy(tag: "tagName") and casting to the correct type of row you can access to .value in this example code using your base code I use both approaches

import UIKit
import Eureka

class GettingDataViewController: FormViewController {

//Creating Global Variables
var name: String = ""
var data: Date? = nil

@IBAction func testebutton(_ sender: Any)

override func viewDidLoad() {

// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
form +++ Section()
<<< TextRow()
row in
row.title = "Name"
row.tag = "name"
}.onChange({ (row) in
self.name = row.value != nil ? row.value! : "" //updating the value on change
<<< DateRow()
$0.title = "Birthdate"
$0.value = Date()
$0.tag = "date"
}.onChange({ (row) in
self.data = row.value //updating the value on change
<<< ButtonRow(tag: "test").onCellSelection({ (cell, row) in

//Direct access to value
if let textRow = self.form.rowBy(tag: "name") as? TextRow

if let dateRow = self.form.rowBy(tag: "date") as? DateRow



override func didReceiveMemoryWarning() {
// Dispose of any resources that can be recreated.


Swift - Get value of textField form with Eureka

As vadian suggested You can detect text change with onChange method as shown below:

.onChange({ decimal in


And final code will be:

$0.header?.height = { 20 }

<<< DecimalRow(){
$0.title = " "
$0.tag = "MyRowTag"

.onChange({ decimal in

.cellUpdate { cell, row in
cell.textField?.font = .boldSystemFont(ofSize: 18.0)

Get Form Values from Multivalued sections of Eureka Form

For anyone with similar problem:

The form.values() was being empty because there were no tags given to the Rows.
To get values from form, give tags to rows and you will get a dictionary of values with keys as these tags. For this case

+++ MultivaluedSection(multivaluedOptions: [.Reorder, .Insert, .Delete],
header: "header",
footer: "footer") {
$0.addButtonProvider = { section in
return ButtonRow(){
$0.title = "Button Title"
$0.multivaluedRowToInsertAt = { index in
return NameRow("tag_\(index+1)") {
$0.placeholder = "Your option"
$0 <<< NameRow("tag_1") {
$0.placeholder = "Your option"

Now the values will be returned as ["tag_1" : "value 1", "tag 2 : "value 2" ....] for any number of rows inserted by user.

P.S.: Used the index in tag because duplicate tags aren't allowed and index value is different for different rows.

Hidden fields not submitting their values in Eureka swift form

You can supply a includeHidden argument to the values method to get all the values including hidden ones as well:

let values = form.values(includeHidden: true)

How can I get MultivaluedSection values from Eureka?

I always did it like this:

let values: [String]? = (form.sectionBy(tag: "instructions")?.flatMap { ($0 as? ActionSheetRow<String>)?.value })


  • get the section with the tag
  • try to convert each row into a ActionSheetRow<String>
  • map each row that can be converted to its value.

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