Display Array in a Label in Swift

How to Print Array in Label?

I assumed your lapTime is like below,

 let lapTime: [[Double]] = [[33.34,22.876,34.0]]

Method 1:

let arr = lapTime[0].map { (double) -> String in
return String(double)

self.label.text = arr


let arr = lapTime[0].map { (double) -> String in
return String(double)
}.joined(separator: ", ")

self.label.text = arr

Method 2:

for time in lapTime[0]{
let arr = (self.label.text ?? "")+" "+String(time) //+"<space>"+ to +","+ if you need lap times are comma separated.
self.label.text = arr


The lapTime == [[33.34,22.876,34.0],[33.34,22.876,34.0]]and you had a UITableView, then replace lapTime[0] to lapTime[indexPath.row].

let me know is that you need.


Sample Image

How to display array in label?

Conform MyCurrency to CustomStringConvertible and override its description property to return the required String instance,

struct MyCurrency: CustomStringConvertible {

var currency: String
var currentPrice: String

var description: String {
return "\(currency) to \(currentPrice)"

Now, to get a String of currencies, use map(_:) and joined() on the array of MyCurrency, i.e.

let btc = MyCurrency(currency: "BTC", currentPrice: "10223.4337")
let gbp = MyCurrency(currency: "GBP", currentPrice: "1,2221")
let rub = MyCurrency(currency: "RUB", currentPrice: "0.015169")
let eur = MyCurrency(currency: "EUR", currentPrice: "1.11")
let uah = MyCurrency(currency: "UAH", currentPrice: "0.039841")

let str = [btc, gbp, rub, eur, uah].map({ String(describing: $0) }).joined()
print(str) //BTC to 10223.4337GBP to 1,2221RUB to 0.015169EUR to 1.11UAH to 0.039841
label.text = str


You can use reduce(_:_:) as well to get the required output, i.e.

let str = [btc, gbp, rub, eur, uah].reduce("") { (result, currency) -> String in
return result + String(describing: currency)
print(str) //BTC to 10223.4337GBP to 1,2221RUB to 0.015169EUR to 1.11UAH to 0.039841

How to display an array in a label

You can use Swift's join method, as described in this question.

So in your case, it'd be:


which would be the aar array joined on the empty string, meaning all elements concatenated (as long as they are strings themselves, which it seems they are).

How can i show an array in label ? With ,

An array of strings can be joined by , using:

arr.joined(separator: ",")

Refer: https://developer.apple.com/documentation/swift/array/joined(separator:)-5do1g

How can I write the items to UILabel from the array?

you can use joined() function:

myLabel.text = "\(array.joined())\n"

How to make an array the label text?

First, and easiest, idea that comes to mind, is just make 3 labels and constrain them as you wish. Secondly, you could create a UITextView, instead.

let tView = UITextView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: widthOfLongestWord, height: whatever height fits 3 lines))
tView.text = ""
for str in array {
tView.text += str + "\n"

I assume this is being used in a view controller, in which case you should set the frame to zero and just constrain the textView with autoLayout.

Display two array data in label swift

Simply use zip(_:_:), map(_:) and joined(separator:) on the arr1 and arr2 to get the expected result, i.e.

let arr1 = ["A","B","C"]
let arr2 = ["D","E","F"]

let text = zip(arr1, arr2).map{ "\($0.0):\($0.1)" }.joined(separator: ",") //A:D,B:E,C:F
label.text = text

how to display an array on a label

try with this.

you test() function has NSArray return type

func test()-> NSArray{
//bla bla bla
let myArray:NSArray = ["data1","data2","data3"]

return myArray;

then you can get your result

label.text = test().componentsJoinedByString(",")

Displaying Array in Text Label

Use this:

NSArray *listOfWords = @[@"One", @"Two", @"Three"];
NSString * stringToDisplay = [listOfWords componentsJoinedByString:@"\n"];
wordList.text = stringToDisplay;

Will Display:


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