Extending Dictionary with Key and Value Constraints

Extending Dictionary with constraints

import XCPlayground
import Foundation

protocol CalendarAsDictKey: Hashable {}

extension NSCalendarUnit: CalendarAsDictKey {
public var hashValue: Int {
get {
return Int(self.rawValue)

extension Dictionary where Value: AnyObject, Key: CalendarAsDictKey {
func myFunc() ->Void {
self.forEach {key,value in
print(key, value)

let day = NSCalendarUnit.Day
let era = NSCalendarUnit.Era

let dict = [day: "day", era: NSString(string: "era")]
NSCalendarUnit(rawValue: 16) day
NSCalendarUnit(rawValue: 2) era

How to extend values in dictionaries using key in Python

You should initialize d as an empty dict instead, so that you can iterate through l and the key-value pairs to keep appending the values to the sub-list of d at the given keys:

l = [
{'a': (23, 48), 'b': 34, 'c': "fame", 'd': "who"},
{'a': (94, 29), 'b': 3, 'c': "house", 'd': "cats"},
{'a': (23, 12), 'b': 93, 'c': "imap", 'd': "stack"},
d = {}
for s in l:
for k, v in s.items():
d.setdefault(k, []).append(v)

d becomes:

{'a': [(23, 48), (94, 29), (23, 12)],
'b': [34, 3, 93],
'c': ['fame', 'house', 'imap'],
'd': ['who', 'cats', 'stack']}

If the sub-dicts in l may contain other keys, you can instead initialize d as a dict of empty lists under the desired keys:

l = [
{'a': (23, 48), 'b': 34, 'c': "fame", 'd': "who"},
{'a': (94, 29), 'b': 3, 'c': "house", 'd': "cats"},
{'a': (23, 12), 'b': 93, 'c': "imap", 'd': "stack"},
{'e': 'choices'}
d = {k: [] for k in ('a', 'b', 'c', 'd')}
for s in l:
for k in d:

in which case d becomes:

{'a': [(23, 48), (94, 29), (23, 12), None],
'b': [34, 3, 93, None],
'c': ['fame', 'house', 'imap', None],
'd': ['who', 'cats', 'stack', None]}

Add constraints to generic parameters in extension

Try this code in the Playground:

// make sure only `Optional` conforms to this protocol
protocol OptionalEquivalent {
typealias WrappedValueType
func toOptional() -> WrappedValueType?

extension Optional: OptionalEquivalent {
typealias WrappedValueType = Wrapped

// just to cast `Optional<Wrapped>` to `Wrapped?`
func toOptional() -> WrappedValueType? {
return self

extension Dictionary where Value: OptionalEquivalent {
func flatten() -> Dictionary<Key, Value.WrappedValueType> {
var result = Dictionary<Key, Value.WrappedValueType>()
for (key, value) in self {
guard let value = value.toOptional() else { continue }
result[key] = value
return result

let a: [String: String?] = ["a": "a", "b": nil, "c": "c", "d": nil]
a.flatten() //["a": "a", "c": "c"]

Because you cannot specify an exact type in the where clause of a protocol extension, one way you may detect exactly the Optional type is to make Optional UNIQUELY conforms to a protocol (say OptionalEquivalent).

In order to get the wrapped value type of the Optional, I defined a typealias WrappedValueType in the custom protocol OptionalEquivalent and then made an extension of Optional, assgin the Wrapped to WrappedValueType, then you can get the type in the flatten method.

Note that the sugarCast method is just to cast the Optional<Wrapped> to Wrapped?(which is exactly the same thing), to enable the usage guard statement.


Thanks to Rob Napier 's comment I have simplified & renamed the sugarCast() method and renamed the protocol to make it more understandable.

Sorting dictionary by value in python under multiple constraints

  1. Tell key to ignore the first element using slicing to create a new tuple without the first element:

    dict(sorted(hmap.items(), key=lambda x: x[1][1:], reverse=True))


    5: (70, 90, 160),
    4: (60, 90, 150),
    6: (70, 80, 150),
    3: (80, 50, 130),
    1: (80, 40, 120),
    2: (60, 20, 80)

  1. Manually specify the condition inside the lambda by building the tuple with a minus sign before the value of the key (x[0] in this case):

    dict(sorted(hmap.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1][0], -x[0]), reverse=True))


    1: (80, 40, 120),
    3: (80, 50, 130),
    5: (70, 90, 160),
    6: (70, 80, 150),
    2: (60, 20, 80),
    4: (60, 90, 150)

Swift Dictionary With Expansive Type Constraints

If you want to a Dictionary where the value can be a String, an Int, a Bool or a MyClass you should

Define your protocol

protocol MyDictionaryValue { }

Conform String, Int, Bool and MyClass to MyDictionaryValue

extension String: MyDictionaryValue { }
extension Int: MyDictionaryValue { }
extension Bool: MyDictionaryValue { }
extension MyClass: MyDictionaryValue { }

Declare your dictionary

var dict = [String:MyDictionaryValue]()


dict["a"] = "a string"
dict["b"] = 1
dict["c"] = true
dict["d"] = MyClass()

dict["e"] = CGPointZero // error
dict["f"] = UIView() // error

How can I define an extension to CollectionType so that its methods are available to dictionaries?

This works for my current use case:

extension CollectionType where Self: DictionaryLiteralConvertible, Self.Key: StringLiteralConvertible, Self.Value: Encodable, Generator.Element == (Self.Key, Self.Value) { ... }

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