Social Framework Is Deprecated in iOS11

Twitter Sharing in iOS 11

The people from twitter answered my question. It seems to be a bug right now:

However, it's still unconfirmed if this will be the default behavior for iOS 11.


The issue was fixed in version (7.7.2)


For clarification, this behavior should no longer occur if the user has the (version 7.72 and up) installed, since the sharing window is actually provided by the Twitter app. (Same as Facebook sharing)

It is possible to share content to specific social network without UIActivityViewController in iOS 13 and opens directly needed extension?

You can only do this with applications that support custom url schemas.

Some of them have official api, like instagram, some may have a private one that you can use as well, but at your own risk: the creators can remove or change this functionality; and some have none.

But you won't be able to create a post or message like you do in the UIActivityViewController, only to pass some data that the other application will somehow handle.

About SLComposeViewController in iOS 13, Xcode 11 GM

SLComposeViewController has been deprecated since iOS 11. You can either use Social Media's SDK or UIActivityViewController.

Please see this answer

SLComposeViewController.isAvailable always return false

Those functions have been disabled in iOS 11. Apple removed the social access through the settings app. Though no, this won't work, sorry. You have to implement your own sharing components. Twitter wrote an artile about migrating to iOS 11:


Just found out that not the calls are deprecated but the social constants:

Twitter Framework for iOS - Why does TWrequest.h import Social/SLRequest.h?

This seemed more of an xcode problem. Sometimes it worked and sometimes it threw the error. I had to exit xcode and restart for it to work again. It eventually fixed itself.

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