How to Remove The Fading Animation on .Ondelete Swiftui

Is there any way to remove the fading animation on .onDelete SwiftUI

A possible solution is to force redraw the List:

struct ContentView: View {
@State private var names = ["david", "john", "amber"]
@State private var listId = UUID()

var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(names, id: \.self) { item in
.onDelete(perform: deleteItem)

private func deleteItem(at indexSet: IndexSet) {
names.remove(atOffsets: indexSet)
listId = UUID()

RxSwift, remove cell with animation

Sorry for the delay. Here is the example for animatable tableview in rxswift.

    enum MySectionItem {

case a(presentable: APresentable)
case b(presentable: BPresentable)
case c(presentable: CPresentable)

extension MySectionItem: IdentifiableType, Equatable {
typealias Identity = String

var identity: Identity {
switch self {
case let .a(presentable):
return presentable.title //Something which can define uniqueness
case let .b(presentable):
return presentable.title
case let .c(presentable):
return presentable.title

For SectionModel also you can do the same.

enum MySectionModel {

case a(title: String, items: [MySectionItem])
case b(title: String, items: [MySectionItem])
case c(title: String, items: [MySectionItem])

extension MySectionModel: AnimatableSectionModelType {
typealias Item = MySectionItem

var items: [Item] {
switch self {
case let .a(title: _, items: items),
let .b(title: _, items: items),
let .c(title: _, items: items):

return { $0 }

var identity: String {
switch self {
case let .a(title: title, items: _),
let .b(title: title, items: _),
let .c(title: title, items: _):

return title

init(original: MySectionModel, items: [Item]) {
switch original {
case let .a(title: title, items: _):
self = .a(title: title, items: items)
case let .b(title: title, items: _):
self = .b(title: title, items: items)
case let .c(title: title, items: _):
self = .c(title: title, items: items)

How can I animate a SwiftUI view based on the change of a TextEditor's text?

Use animation on container, like

HStack {
if !newEntryString.isEmpty{

Button(action: {
}) {
Text("Add Entry")
}.animation(Animation.default.speed(1)) // << here !!

SwiftUI List animation when changing data source

If your button is wrapped as you suggested and I added a simple direction boolean:

Button(action: {
withAnimation {
slideRight = true
}) {

And opposite for the other direction:

Button(action: {
withAnimation {
slideRight = false
}) {

Then you can transition your view like this:

List(viewingModels, id: \.self) { model in
.transition(.asymmetric(insertion: .move(edge: slideRight ? .leading : .trailing),
removal: .move(edge: slideRight ? .trailing : .leading)))

Note that in order for the list to not animate, we need to give the list a new unique ID each time, see this article:


I wanted to provide the full shortened code that works, also removed the UUID() usage based on comments below.

import SwiftUI

struct ContentView: View {
private let models = [
["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"],
["g", "h"],
["i", "j", "k", "l"],

@State private var selectedCategory = 0
@State private var slideRight = true

private var viewingModels: [String] {

var body: some View {
VStack(spacing: 0.0) {
HStack {
Button(action: {
withAnimation {
if(self.selectedCategory - 1 < 0) { self.selectedCategory = self.models.count - 1 }
else { self.selectedCategory -= 1 }
self.slideRight = true
}) {
Image(systemName: "arrow.left")

Text("\(selectedCategory + 1)")

Button(action: {
withAnimation {

if(self.selectedCategory + 1 > self.models.count - 1) { self.selectedCategory = 0 }
else { self.selectedCategory += 1 }
self.slideRight = false
}) {
Image(systemName: "arrow.right")

List(viewingModels, id: \.self) { model in
.transition(.asymmetric(insertion: .move(edge: slideRight ? .leading : .trailing),
removal: .move(edge: slideRight ? .trailing : .leading)))

animated list change

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