Skphysicscontact Not Detecting Categorybitmask Collision

Why is my code never detecting any contact with my SKPhysicsBody?

Both of your object’s physics bodies have their isDynamic Property set to false. At least one of them needs to have this property set to true for any contacts to be registered.

Contact not being detected in Sprite kit

Likely you are missing the physicsWorld.contactDelegate = self in the scene initialization. Just conforming to SKPhysicsContactDelegate is not sufficient.

If you verify that that's OK, then check that the physics bodies are correct by setting the view's showsPhysics to true.

SpriteKit collision not being detected

rats and cats won't trigger contacts with each other because both have isDynamic set to false. At least one of them needs to be dynamic before a contact is triggered.


The isDynamic property controls whether a volume-based body is
affected by gravity, friction, collisions with other objects, and forces or impulses you directly apply to the object.

Swift - Random collisions are not detected

I just fixed it! The reason was that in the function "touchesEnded", I had a recursive function that was deleting bad connections in the listContacts!

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