Create Skspritenode with an Asset Programmatically

Create SKSpriteNode with an Asset Programmatically

It seems like you need to explicitly set the size too:

sprite.texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: "myImage1")
sprite.size = sprite.texture!.size()

..or you can specify the image in init:

let sprite = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "myImage1")

Getting the filename of an SKSpriteNode in Swift 3

It is stored in the description, so here is a nice little extension I made to rip it out.

extension SKTexture
var name : String
return self.description.slice(start: "'",to: "'")!

extension String {
func slice(start: String, to: String) -> String?

return (range(of: start)?.upperBound).flatMap
sInd in
(range(of: to, range: sInd..<endIndex)?.lowerBound).map
eInd in



Asset catalog image slicing in Spritekit

If centeRect, yScale, xScale are set the button will streach properly

let sprite = SKSpriteNode(texture: spriteTexture, color: nil, size: CGSizeMake(290, 58));
sprite.position = CGPointMake(0, -100);
sprite.centerRect = CGRectMake( 140/290.0, 24/58.0, 10.0/58.0, 10.0/58.0);
sprite.yScale = CGFloat(250.0 / 58.0);
sprite.xScale = CGFloat((self.frame.size.width - 20) / 290.0);


Turning Object with SkSpriteNode

You could apply a force of an angular type, so as to rotate the body, and turn off damping so it continues to rotate forever:

Or, apply torque:

Firstly, make sure it’s able to rotate by setting this to true:

Make sure there’s no angular damping so that it doesn’t slow in rotation rate:

Now make it spin by applying a torque:

Or, set a spin rate:

Move SKSpriteNode by Y - Swift 2 + SpriteKit

You need to run the moveAndRemove action on each spaceship. I suggest you move the action definition to the createSpaceship method and run the moveAndRemove action on each spaceship that you create. For example,

func createSpaceship() {
// This can be a local variable and combined into a single statement
let spaceship = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "Spaceship")
spaceship.size = CGSize(width: 70, height: 100)
spaceship.position = CGPoint(x: screenSize.width / 3, y: screenSize.height - 75)
spaceship.zPosition = 1

let distance = CGFloat(screenSize.height + spaceship.frame.height)
let moveTargets = SKAction.moveToY(spaceship.frame.origin.y - distance, duration: 8.0)
let removeTargets = SKAction.removeFromParent()
let moveAndRemove = SKAction.sequence([moveTargets,removeTargets])

// Add the action to the list of actions executed by the spaceship


How to programmatically assign a material to a 3D SCNNode?

Overall, I was setting the materials of an object like this and it was working (to only grab one face of the box

var imageMaterial = SCNMaterial()
imageMaterial.isDoubleSided = false
imageMaterial.diffuse.contents = UIImage(named: "myImage")
var cube: SCNGeometry? = SCNBox(width: 1.0, height: 1.0, length: 1, chamferRadius: 0)
var node = SCNNode(geometry: cube)
node.geometry?.materials = [imageMaterial]

So it could possibly be that you haven't been able to grab the object, as stated in the comments.

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