(Physics Engine for Games Like Sugar, Sugar) Spritekit Performance Optimization for Many Physics Sprites

(Physics engine for games like Sugar, Sugar) SpriteKit performance optimization for many physics sprites

I have not done a sand sim for a long time so I thought I would create a quick demo for you.

It is done in javascript, left mouse adds sand, right mouse draws lines. Depending on the machine it will handle thousands of grains of sand.

It works by creating an array of pixels, each pixel has a x,y position a delta x,y and a flag to indicate it is inactive (dead). Every frame I clear the display and then add the walls. Then for each pixel I check if there are pixels to the sides or below (depending on the direction of movement) and add sideways slippage, bounce of wall, or gravity. If a pixel has not moved for some time I set it as dead and only draw it to save time on the calculations.

The sim is very simple, the first pixel (grain) will never bump into another because it is drawn with a clear display, pixels can only see pixels created before them. But this works well as they self organize and will not overlap each other.

You can find the logic in the function display, (second function from bottom) there is some code for auto demo, then code for drawing the walls, displaying the walls, getting the pixel data and then doing the sim for each pixel.

Its not perfect (like the game you have mentioned) but it is just a quick hack to show how it is done. Also I made it to big for the inset window so best viewed full page.

/** SimpleFullCanvasMouse.js begin **/
const CANVAS_ELEMENT_ID = "canv";
const U = undefined;
var w, h, cw, ch; // short cut vars
var canvas, ctx, mouse;
var globalTime = 0;
var createCanvas, resizeCanvas, setGlobals;
var L = typeof log === "function" ? log : function(d){ console.log(d); }
createCanvas = function () {
var c,cs;
cs = (c = document.createElement("canvas")).style;
cs.position = "absolute";
cs.top = cs.left = "0px";
cs.width = cs.height = "100%";
cs.zIndex = 1000;
return c;
resizeCanvas = function () {
if (canvas === U) { canvas = createCanvas(); }
canvas.width = Math.floor(window.innerWidth/4);
canvas.height = Math.floor(window.innerHeight/4);
ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
if (typeof setGlobals === "function") { setGlobals(); }
setGlobals = function(){ cw = (w = canvas.width) / 2; ch = (h = canvas.height) / 2; }
mouse = (function(){
function preventDefault(e) { e.preventDefault(); }
var mouse = {
x : 0, y : 0, w : 0, alt : false, shift : false, ctrl : false, buttonRaw : 0,
over : false, // mouse is over the element
bm : [1, 2, 4, 6, 5, 3], // masks for setting and clearing button raw bits;
mouseEvents : "mousemove,mousedown,mouseup,mouseout,mouseover,mousewheel,DOMMouseScroll".split(",")
var m = mouse;
function mouseMove(e) {
var t = e.type;
m.x = e.offsetX; m.y = e.offsetY;
if (m.x === U) { m.x = e.clientX; m.y = e.clientY; }
m.alt = e.altKey; m.shift = e.shiftKey; m.ctrl = e.ctrlKey;
if (t === "mousedown") { m.buttonRaw |= m.bm[e.which-1]; }
else if (t === "mouseup") { m.buttonRaw &= m.bm[e.which + 2]; }
else if (t === "mouseout") { m.buttonRaw = 0; m.over = false; }
else if (t === "mouseover") { m.over = true; }
else if (t === "mousewheel") { m.w = e.wheelDelta; }
else if (t === "DOMMouseScroll") { m.w = -e.detail; }
if (m.callbacks) { m.callbacks.forEach(c => c(e)); }
m.addCallback = function (callback) {
if (typeof callback === "function") {
if (m.callbacks === U) { m.callbacks = [callback]; }
else { m.callbacks.push(callback); }
} else { throw new TypeError("mouse.addCallback argument must be a function"); }
m.start = function (element, blockContextMenu) {
if (m.element !== U) { m.removeMouse(); }
m.element = element === U ? document : element;
m.blockContextMenu = blockContextMenu === U ? false : blockContextMenu;
m.mouseEvents.forEach( n => { m.element.addEventListener(n, mouseMove); } );
if (m.blockContextMenu === true) { m.element.addEventListener("contextmenu", preventDefault, false); }
m.remove = function () {
if (m.element !== U) {
m.mouseEvents.forEach(n => { m.element.removeEventListener(n, mouseMove); } );
if (m.contextMenuBlocked === true) { m.element.removeEventListener("contextmenu", preventDefault);}
m.element = m.callbacks = m.contextMenuBlocked = U;
return mouse;
var done = function(){
canvas = ctx = mouse = U;
L("All done!")

resizeCanvas(); // create and size canvas
mouse.start(canvas,true); // start mouse on canvas and block context menu
window.addEventListener("resize",resizeCanvas); // add resize event
var simW = 200;
var simH = 200;
var wallCanvas = document.createElement("canvas");
wallCanvas.width = simW;
wallCanvas.height = simH;
var wallCtx = wallCanvas.getContext("2d");
var bounceDecay = 0.7;
var grav = 0.5;
var slip = 0.5;
var sandPerFrame = 5;
var idleTime = 50;
var pixels = [];
var inactiveCounter = 0;
var demoStarted;
var lastMouse;
var wallX;
var wallY;
function display(){ // Sim code is in this function
var blocked;
var obstructed;
w = canvas.width;
h = canvas.height;
var startX = Math.floor(w / 2) - Math.floor(simW / 2);
var startY = Math.floor(h / 2) - Math.floor(simH / 2);
if(lastMouse === undefined){
lastMouse = mouse.x + mouse.y;
if(lastMouse === mouse.x + mouse.y){
inactiveCounter += 1;

inactiveCounter = 0;
if(inactiveCounter > 10 * 60){
if(demoStarted === undefined){
var sy = simH / 6;
for(var i = 0; i < 4; i ++){
wallCtx.moveTo(simW * (1/6) - 10,sy * i + sy * 1);
wallCtx.lineTo(simW * (3/ 6) - 10,sy * i + sy * 2);
wallCtx.moveTo(simW * (5/6) + 10,sy * i + sy * 0.5);
wallCtx.lineTo(simW * (3/6) +10,sy * i + sy * 1.5);

mouse.x = startX * 4 + (simW * 2);
mouse.y = startY * 4 + (simH * 2 )/5;
lastMouse = mouse.x + mouse.y;
mouse.buttonRaw = 1;


ctx.setTransform(1,0,0,1,0,0); // reset transform
ctx.globalAlpha = 1; // reset alpha
ctx.drawImage(wallCanvas,startX,startY); // draws the walls

if(mouse.buttonRaw & 4){ // if right button draw walls
if(mouse.x/4 > startX && mouse.x/4 < startX + simW && mouse.y/4 > startY && mouse.y/4 < startY + simH){
if(wallX === undefined){
wallX = mouse.x/4 - startX
wallY = mouse.y/4 - startY
wallX = mouse.x/4 - startX
wallY = mouse.y/4 - startY

wallX = undefined;
if(mouse.buttonRaw & 1){ // if left button add sand
for(var i = 0; i < sandPerFrame; i ++){
var dir = Math.random() * Math.PI;
var speed = Math.random() * 2;
var dx = Math.cos(dir) * 2;
var dy = Math.sin(dir) * 2;
x : (Math.floor(mouse.x/4) - startX) + dx,
y : (Math.floor(mouse.y/4) - startY) + dy,
dy : dx * speed,
dx : dy * speed,
dead : false,
inactive : 0,
r : Math.floor((Math.sin(globalTime / 1000) + 1) * 127),
g : Math.floor((Math.sin(globalTime / 5000) + 1) * 127),
b : Math.floor((Math.sin(globalTime / 15000) + 1) * 127),
if(pixels.length > 10000){ // if over 10000 pixels reset
pixels = [];

// get the canvas pixel data
var data = ctx.getImageData(startX, startY,simW,simH);
var d = data.data;

// handle each pixel;
for(var i = 0; i < pixels.length; i += 1){
var p = pixels[i];
var ind = Math.floor(p.x) * 4 + Math.floor(p.y) * 4 * simW;
d[ind + 3] = 0;
obstructed = false;
p.dy += grav;
var dist = Math.floor(p.y + p.dy) - Math.floor(p.y);
if(Math.floor(p.y + p.dy) - Math.floor(p.y) >= 1){
if(dist >= 1){
bocked = d[ind + simW * 4 + 3];
if(dist >= 2){
bocked += d[ind + simW * 4 * 2 + 3];
if(dist >= 3){
bocked += d[ind + simW * 4 * 3 + 3];
if(dist >= 4){
bocked += d[ind + simW * 4 * 4 + 3];

if( bocked > 0 || p.y + 1 > simH){
p.dy = - p.dy * bounceDecay;
obstructed = true;
p.y += p.dy;
p.y += p.dy;
if(d[ind + simW * 4 + 3] > 0){
if(d[ind + simW * 4 - 1] === 0 && d[ind + simW * 4 + 4 + 3] === 0 ){
p.dx += Math.random() < 0.5 ? -slip/2 : slip/2;
if(d[ind + 4 + 3] > 0 && d[ind + simW * 4 - 1] === 0 ){
p.dx -= slip;

if(d[ind - 1] + d[ind - 1 - 4] > 0 ){
p.dx += slip/2;

if(d[ind +3] + d[ind + 3 + 4] > 0 ){
p.dx -= slip/2;

if(d[ind + 1] + d[ind + 1] > 0 && d[ind + simW * 4 + 3] > 0 && d[ind + simW * 4 + 4 + 3] === 0 ){
p.dx += slip;

if(d[ind + simW * 4 - 1] === 0 ){
p.dx += -slip/2;

if(d[ind + simW * 4 + 4 + 3] === 0 ){
p.dx += -slip/2;
if(p.dx < 0){
if(Math.floor(p.x + p.dx) - Math.floor(p.x) <= -1){
if(d[ind - 1] > 0){
p.dx = -p.dx * bounceDecay;
p.x += p.dx;
p.x += p.dx;
if(p.dx > 0){
if(Math.floor(p.x + p.dx) - Math.floor(p.x) >= 1){
if(d[ind + 4 + 3] > 0){
p.dx = -p.dx * bounceDecay;
p.x += p.dx;
p.x += p.dx;

var ind = Math.floor(p.x) * 4 + Math.floor(p.y) * 4 * simW;
d[ind ] = p.r;
d[ind + 1] = p.g;
d[ind + 2] = p.b;
d[ind + 3] = 255;
if(obstructed && p.dx * p.dx + p.dy * p.dy < 1){
p.inactive += 1;
if(p.inactive > idleTime){
p.dead = true;
var ind = Math.floor(p.x) * 4 + Math.floor(p.y) * 4 * simW;
d[ind ] = p.r;
d[ind + 1] = p.g;
d[ind + 2] = p.b;
d[ind + 3] = 255;

ctx.putImageData(data,startX, startY);

function update(timer){ // Main update loop
globalTime = timer;
display(); // call demo code
// continue until mouse right down
if (!(mouse.buttonRaw & 2)) { requestAnimationFrame(update); } else { done(); }

/** SimpleFullCanvasMouse.js end **/
* { font-family: arial; }
canvas { image-rendering: pixelated; }
<p>Right click drag to draw walls</p>
<p>Left click hold to drop sand</p>
<p>Demo auto starts in 10 seconds is no input</p>
<p>Sim resets when sand count reaches 10,000 grains</p>
<p>Middle button quits sim</p>

Designing physics bodies other than circles

Using paths is the only way to create complex physics bodys, however, you can create rectangles with SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOf: CGSize(width: 100, height: 100))

Use this to help create efficient paths from images: http://insyncapp.net/SKPhysicsBodyPathGenerator.html

Note: this will only generate the paths for the image, you will need to clean it up your self by deleting paths and connecting the points.

Game Development: Open source project like Crayon Physics?

There are lots of open source physics engines. For example, have a look at the engines listed in this wikipedia article.

Querying graphics capabilities for deciding whether to apply GPU-intensive effects (through SpriteKit)

You'll have to create a performance test using your actual blurring processes and some sample content to get an accurate idea of the time cost of it on each generation of hardware.

Blurs are really weird things, programmatically. A Box Blur can give you most of the appearance of a nice, soft gaussian blur for much less processing cost. A zoom or motion blur (that looks good) is surprisingly expensive, even on strong hardware.

And there's some amazingly effective "cheats" when doing blurs. Because there's no need for detail you can heavily optimise the operations, particularly if the blurs are strong.

Apple, it's believed, does something like this, for example, with its blurs:

  1. Massively shrink the target image
  2. Do a gaussian blur on this tiny image
  3. Scale it back up, somewhat
  4. Apply a cheap Box Blur to soften it
  5. Fully scale back to the desired size

By way of terrible example benefitting from scaling well (with filtering set for good scaling)

This is the full sized image blurred:

Sample Image

And here's a version of the same image, scaled to a 16th of its original size, blurred, and then the blurred image scaled back up. As you can see, due to the good scaling and lack of detail, there's hardly any difference in the blurred image, but the blur takes MUCH less processing energy and time:

Sample Image

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