Read UId from Nfc Mifare Tag iOS 13

How to read different type of NFC Tag in NFCTagReaderSession in iOS 13?



I don't remember the meaning of 12FC value, but you should have it if you try to read . iso18092.

I also have the following values for 7816 taken from


how to get icManufacturerCode of NFC tag in iOS

The issue for iOS11 are related to the signature of classes and protocols on the part of Apple (protocol NFCTag have become enum for iOS13, if I don't confuse). However, you can use this code and it should work for all versions of iOS11+

extension YourViewController: __NFCReaderSessionDelegate {

func readerSessionDidBecomeActive(_ session: NFCReaderSession) {


func readerSession(_ session: NFCReaderSession, didInvalidateWithError error: Error) {


func readerSession(_ session: NFCReaderSession, didDetect tags: [__NFCTag]) {
for tag in tags {
let rfidTag = tag as! NFCISO15693Tag
print("- Is available: \(rfidTag.isAvailable)")
print("- Type: \(rfidTag.type)")
print("- IC Manufacturer Code: \(rfidTag.icManufacturerCode)")
print("- IC Serial Number: \(rfidTag.icSerialNumber)")
print("- Identifier: \(rfidTag.identifier)")

There are 2 required methods and one optional (it's from Obj-C), just to get icManufacturerCode.

According to documentation of Apple

use an instance of NFCNDEFReaderSession or NFCTagReaderSession. Only
one reader session of any type can be active in the system at a time

Tag connection lost error when reading a Mifare Ultralight NFC tag on iOS 13

According to the API (CoreNFC/NFCMiFareTag) the CRC will be calculated and inserted automatically. So in your case you only need to send [0x30, 0x04] to read page 4 to 7, the read command 0x30 will read 4 pages you will get 16 bytes.

* @method sendMiFareCommand:completionHandler:
* @param command The complete MiFare command. CRC bytes are calculated and inserted automatically to the provided packet data frame.
* @param completionHandler Completion handler called when the operation is completed. error is nil if operation succeeds. A @link NFCErrorDomain @link/ error
* is returned when there is a communication issue with the tag. Successfully read data blocks will be returned from the NSData object.
* @discussion Send native MIFARE command to a tag. Support MIFARE UltraLight, Plus, and DESFire products.
* Crypto1 protocol is not supported. Command chainning is handled internally by the method and the full response composed of the
* individual fragment is returned in the completion handler.
@available(iOS 13.0, *)
func sendMiFareCommand(commandPacket command: Data, completionHandler: @escaping (Data, Error?) -> Void)

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