Customize Mglpolyline Using Mapbox

Customize MGLPolyline using mapbox

You need to set the map delegate to self for the functions to work. Here is the code:

Initiate your viewController with MGLMapViewDelegate

class yourController: UIViewController, CLLocationManagerDelegate, MKMapViewDelegate, MGLMapViewDelegate{

Then after you set the map, add self.mapView.delegate = self like so

mapView = MGLMapView(frame: mapViewWrapper.bounds, styleURL: NSURL(string: Mapbox.getTheme()))
mapView = Mapbox.configure(mapView)
mapView.setCenterCoordinate(appleMap.userLocation.coordinate, zoomLevel: 12, animated: true)
self.mapView.delegate = self

Then your functions will work:

func mapView(mapView: MGLMapView, alphaForShapeAnnotation annotation: MGLShape) -> CGFloat {
// Set the alpha for all shape annotations to 1 (full opacity)
return 1

func mapView(mapView: MGLMapView, lineWidthForPolylineAnnotation annotation: MGLPolyline) -> CGFloat {
// Set the line width for polyline annotations
return 5.0

func mapView(mapView: MGLMapView, strokeColorForShapeAnnotation annotation: MGLShape) -> UIColor {
// Give our polyline a unique color by checking for its `title` property
return UIColor.redColor()

Is it possible to create a custom popup for a MGLPolyline?

When you tap on the MGLPolyline you are selecting it. Even when you have returned false from annotationCanShowCallout: the polyline is selected after a tap even though there is probably no visible cue. This is why some of your taps have no visible action. These taps are deselecting the polyline (again invisibly).

What you can do is return false from annotationCanShowCallout: (assuming you don't want ANY annotations to have a callout) and use another delegate method to achieve your desired goal.

func mapView(_ mapView: MGLMapView, annotationCanShowCallout annotation: MGLAnnotation) -> Bool {
return false

func mapView(_ mapView: MGLMapView, didSelect annotation: MGLAnnotation) {
mapView.deselectAnnotation(annotation, animated: false)

By immediately deselecting the annotation you can register each tap as a selection, eliminating the missed ones.

Is it possible to make MGLPolyLines selectable? - Swift, MapBox

I've just checked back and it looks like this has been implemented though I'm not sure which Mapbox release rolled this out.

If you take a look at the simple Mapbox example, Annotation Models, that demos an MGLPolyline and interspaced circular annotations, you can make a simple mod to the supplied code and see for yourself. The demo looks like this:

Sample Image

If you look into the viewController code, add a couple of lines below the polyline creation:

let polyline = CustomPolyline(coordinates: &coordinates, count: UInt(coordinates.count))

polyline.title = "Polyline" // New line
polyline.subtitle = "Pretty Poly". // New line

// Set the custom `color` property, later used in the `mapView:strokeColorForShapeAnnotation:` delegate method.
polyline.color = .darkGray

Now you can tap and see a basic callout:

Sample Image

This example subclasses MGLPolyline (CustomPolyline) so that its appearance can be altered slightly but that doesn't change anything with regards to the tappability.

How to draw polyline(MGLPolyline) with dashed lines using mapbox : swift

One option is to use an MGLLineStyleLayer, which has a lineDashPattern property.

This example shows how to add a dashed line, but for your use case, it would look more like:

func mapView(_ mapView: MGLMapView, didFinishLoading style: MGLStyle) {
var mapCoordinates: [CLLocationCoordinate2D] = []
let newCoord1 = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude: 8.5241, longitude: 76.9366)
let newCoord2 = CLLocationCoordinate2D(latitude:11.8745, longitude: 75.3704)


polyline = MGLPolyline(coordinates: mapCoordinates, count: UInt(mapCoordinates.count))

source = MGLShapeSource(identifier: "line", shape: polyline, options: nil)

let layer = MGLLineStyleLayer(identifier: "line-layer", source: source)
layer.lineDashPattern = NSExpression(forConstantValue: [2, 1.5])

Then update the shape property on source as necessary.

Mapbox iOS SDK create a curve MGLPolyline with MKGeodesicPolyline get some strange

This is due to the fact the the line cross the international date change line so it's wrapping all the way around.

To avoid that you can add or subtract 360 from your longitude to fix it.

For example:

import Mapbox
import MapKit

public extension MGLPolyline {
class func geodesicPolyline(fromCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D, toCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D) -> MGLPolyline {
var coordinates = [fromCoordinate, toCoordinate]
let geodesicPolyline = MKGeodesicPolyline(coordinates: &coordinates, count: 2)

var normalizedCoordinates: [CLLocationCoordinate2D] = []
var previousCoordinate: CLLocationCoordinate2D?
for coordinate in geodesicPolyline.coordinates {
var normalizedCoordinate = coordinate
if let previousCoordinate = previousCoordinate, abs(previousCoordinate.longitude - coordinate.longitude) > 180 {
if (previousCoordinate.longitude > coordinate.longitude) {
normalizedCoordinate.longitude += 360
} else {
normalizedCoordinate.longitude -= 360
previousCoordinate = normalizedCoordinate

return MGLPolyline(coordinates: normalizedCoordinates, count: UInt(geodesicPolyline.pointCount))

public extension MKPolyline {
var coordinates: [CLLocationCoordinate2D] {
var coords = [CLLocationCoordinate2D](repeating: kCLLocationCoordinate2DInvalid, count: self.pointCount)
self.getCoordinates(&coords, range: NSRange(location: 0, length: self.pointCount))
return coords

How to change the color of a MGLPolyline?

You have to make mapView.delegate = self

Then implement this method:

func mapView(_ mapView: MGLMapView, strokeColorForShapeAnnotation annotation: MGLShape) -> UIColor {

return .blue

How to make a MGLPolyline tapable?

The Mapbox iOS API doesn't support that yet, unfortunately. See here.

There are a couple of workarounds within that link that you could try though.

This is now possible: Check here.

How can I change the color of an MGLPolyline?

I found that what needs to be done is you need to create a custom object for the polyline. The default MGLPolyline does not support this.

Add a custom polyline like so:

class CustomPostPolyline: MGLPolyline {
var color: UIColor!

Put this in your didSelect:

chosenPolyline!.polyline!.lineColor =

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