SQL Query for Tree Table

Sql query for tree table

Expanding on a_horse_with_no_name's answer, this show how to use SQL Server's implementation of recursive CTE (recursive single-record cross apply) in combination with row_number() to produce the exact output in the question.

declare @t table(id int,parentId int,name varchar(20))
insert @t select 1, 0 ,'Category1'
insert @t select 2, 0, 'Category2'
insert @t select 3, 1, 'Category3'
insert @t select 4 , 2, 'Category4'
insert @t select 5 , 1, 'Category5'
insert @t select 6 , 2, 'Category6'
insert @t select 7 , 3, 'Category7'

WITH tree (id, parentid, level, name, rn) as
SELECT id, parentid, 0 as level, name,
convert(varchar(max),right(row_number() over (order by id),10)) rn
WHERE parentid = 0


SELECT c2.id, c2.parentid, tree.level + 1, c2.name,
rn + '/' + convert(varchar(max),right(row_number() over (order by tree.id),10))
FROM @t c2
INNER JOIN tree ON tree.id = c2.parentid
FROM tree
ORDER BY cast('/' + RN + '/' as hierarchyid)

To be honest, using the IDs themselves to produce the tree "path" would work, since we are ordering directly by id, but I thought I'd slip in the row_number() function.

Q:Sql query for tree table

Your probably looking for an iterative cte. Quite well documented if you search. See below for a quick example. The technique is to use a common table expression that references itself. Be careful of loops in your data though.

DECLARE @SearchTerm NVARCHAR(10) = N'car';
DECLARE @Table AS TABLE ( id INT, product1 NVARCHAR(10), product2 NVARCHAR(10));

VALUES ( 1, 'car', 'Tire' )
, ( 2, 'car', 'meter' )
, ( 3, 'Tire', 'tireA' )
, ( 4, 'Tire', 'tireB' )
, ( 5, 'meter', 'meterA' )
, ( 6, 'meter', 'meterB' )
, ( 7, 'meter', 'meterC' )
, ( 7, 'meterC', 'meterCC' );

WITH cte AS ( SELECT 1 AS level
, T1.id
, T1.product1 Parent
, T1.product2 Child
FROM @Table T1
WHERE T1.product1 = @SearchTerm
SELECT cte.level + 1
, T2.*
FROM @Table T2
JOIN cte ON cte.Child = T2.product1 )
FROM cte;

SQL Query of 2 Tables forming a category tree

You need left join with base table as category_name.

Select cn.categoryid, cn.cat_name,
Cnp.cat_name as parent_category
From category_name cn
Left join category c on c.categoryid = cn.categoryid
Left join category_name cnp on cnp.categoryid = c.parentid;

How to get the third level of a tree in SQL

You need to do the same join with different aliases to get the last generation
The other option is to make recursive CTE.

FROM relations GR1
INNER JOIN family G1 ON GR1.r_parent = G1.f_id
INNER JOIN family G2 on GR1.r_child = G2.f_id
INNER JOIN relations GR2 ON GR2.r_parent = G2.f_id
INNER JOIN family G3 ON GR2.r_child = G3.f_id
INNER JOIN relations GR3 ON GR3.r_parent = G3.f_id
INNER JOIN family G4 ON GR3.r_child = G4.f_id

The script used is:

CREATE TABLE family(f_id int ,f_name nvarchar (200))
(1, 'Name Surname 1')
, (2, 'Name Surname 2')
, (3, 'Name Surname 3')
, (4, 'Name Surname 4')
, (5, 'Name Surname 5')
, (6, 'Name Surname 6')
, (7, 'Name Surname 7')
, (8, 'Name Surname 8')
, (9, 'Name Surname 9')
, (10, 'Name Surname 10')

CREATE TABLE relations (r_parent int, r_child int)
INSERT INTO relations VALUES (1, 2), (1, 3), (2,4), (2,5), (3,6), (3,7), (3,8), (7,9), (8,10)

FROM relations GR1
INNER JOIN family G1 ON GR1.r_parent = G1.f_id
INNER JOIN family G2 on GR1.r_child = G2.f_id
INNER JOIN relations GR2 ON GR2.r_parent = G2.f_id
INNER JOIN family G3 ON GR2.r_child = G3.f_id
INNER JOIN relations GR3 ON GR3.r_parent = G3.f_id
INNER JOIN family G4 ON GR3.r_child = G4.f_id

DROP TABLE relations

Flatten tree structure represented in SQL

Have a look at Recursive Common Table Expressions (CTEs). They should be able to accomplish exactly what you need.

Have a look at Example D on the SQL Docs page.

Basically what you'd do in your case is:

  • In the "anchor member" of the CTE, select all top-level items
  • In the "recursive member" of the CTE, join all of the nested children to the top-level item

Recursive CTEs are not really trivial to understand, so be sure to read the docs carefully.

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