MySQL Strip Time Component from Datetime

Mysql strip time component from datetime

Yes, use the date function:

SELECT date(my_date)

Pulling Date from MySQL Database Remove Time

Try using MySQL's build in functions such as DATE_FORMAT() or even DATE()

DATE_FORMAT(EventDate, '%Y-%m-%d') AS eventDate
FROM events;


DATE(EventDate) AS eventDate
FROM events;

How can I convert datetime to date, truncating the times, leaving me the dates?

If you want this in a SELECT-Statement, just use the DATE Operator:

SELECT DATE(`yourfield`) FROM `yourtable`;

If you want to change the table structurally, just change the datatype to DATE (of course only do this if this doesn't affect applications depending on this field).

ALTER TABLE `yourtable` CHANGE `yourfield` `yourfield` DATE;

Both will eliminate the time part.

MySQL remove left over time from datetime converted to varchar. Substr()?

UPDATE  logic_intern_report_link 
SET comp_date = DATE_FORMAT(DATE(comp_date), '%Y-%m-%d')

How to select date from datetime column?

You can use MySQL's DATE() function:

WHERE DATE(datetime) = '2009-10-20'

You could also try this:

WHERE datetime LIKE '2009-10-20%'

See this answer for info on the performance implications of using LIKE.

MySQL: Get the datetime field with time part reset to midnight (00:00:00)?

Convert to date to truncate the time part, then cast to datetime:

cast(date(PurchaseDate) as datetime) as StartOfDay
from mytable

See live demo.

update recrod according to datetime in mysql php

Try with Date() function

UPDATE info SET status = NULL WHERE DATE(lastupdated) != '2020-01-03'

MYSQL Datetime, remove seconds

This is just a matter of updating the corresponding column.

Depending on ... hum ... your mood (?) you might try:

update tbl set datetime_column = substr(datetime_column, 1, 16);


update tbl set datetime_column = date_format(datetime_column, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%i:00');


update tbl set datetime_column = datetime_column - second(datetime_column);

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