Show All Dates Data Between Two Dates; If No Row Exists for Particular Date Then Show Zero in All Columns

SHOW ALL Dates data between two dates; if no row exists for particular date then show zero in all columns

;with d(date) as (
select cast('10/01/2012' as datetime)
union all
select date+1
from d
where date < '10/15/2012'
select t.ID, CDate, isnull(t.val, 0) val
from d
left join temp t
on t.CDate =
order by
OPTION (MAXRECURSION 0) -- use this if your dates are >99 days apart

You need to make up the dates, so I've use a recursive common table expression here.
SQL Fiddle


Specifies the maximum number of recursions allowed for this query. number is a nonnegative
integer between 0 and 32767. When 0 is specified, no limit is applied. If this option is
not specified, the default limit for the server is 100.

When the specified or default number for MAXRECURSION limit is reached during query
execution, the query is ended and an error is returned.

SQL - SHOW ALL DATES between two dates

Similar to @DhruvJoshi's answer but using a recursive CTE to generate the dates instead:

DECLARE @MinDate DATE = '20170424',
@MaxDate DATE = '20170430';

WITH allDates AS
SELECT @MinDate AS dates


SELECT DATEADD(DAY, 1, ad.[dates] )
FROM allDates AS ad
WHERE ad.[dates] < @MaxDate

ISNULL([MessageType].[Name],0) AS [Channel],
dates AS [Time],
COUNT([MessageType].[Name]) AS [Count]
SELECT dates
FROM allDates
) AS T
@table1 ON T.dates=CONVERT(VARCHAR(11), @table1.[OccuredAtUtc], 106)
LEFT JOIN @table2 ON ... = ...
GROUP BY dates,

Show all dates between, even if no result

You can build out an automated result set using MySQL variables for all the dates you want.

count( U.User_ID ) as NumberJoined
( select
@curDate := Date_Add(@curDate, interval 1 day) as MyJoinDate
( select @curDate := '2012-11-21' ) sqlvars,
limit 18 ) AllDaysYouWant
on AllDaysYouWant.MyJoinDate = U.User_JoinDate
group by

The inner query, I am just joining to the users table with no key, so its just used to cycle through X number of records to represent the day span you want... This could be 30, 100, whatever.... Just as long a the table (in this case users), has as many records as you are expecting.

THEN, that result of nothing but days is joined to the users table, but this time, based on the JOIN_DATE of the user. The simple COUNT() should get you what you want.

The "AllDaysYouWant" is the alias assigned to the internal first part query of

  ( select
@curDate := Date_Add(@curDate, interval 1 day) as MyJoinDate
( select @curDate := '2012-11-21' ) sqlvars,
limit 18 ) AllDaysYouWant

This basically states... From the users table (but could be any), give me 18 rows of data (via limit, but could be almost any number of records, but you only need from Nov 22 to Dec 6, which is only 14 days, but I did 18 just for principle it could be almost anything. Above the Users table is (select @curDate := '2012-11-21' ) sqlvars. Any select statement within a query that is wrapped in parentheses as a table source must be given an alias and since it is just a variable I'll be using, don't care what its name is. So, this query starts the variable at Nov 21 and the Select @curDate := Date_Add...blah blah states to take the current value of @curDate, add 1 day to it (now becomes Nov 22) and store it in the returned row "MyJoinDate". So now, this inner query creates your table of just dates going from Nov 22 forward 18 days worth of data and has the alias "AllDaysYouWant" for the rest of the query to reference.

I've adjusted the query which was probably what you encountered, to alias.field everything for clarification...

How to show a row for the dates not in records of a table as zero

The general way to deal with this type of problem is to use something called a calendar table. This calendar table contains all the dates which you want to appear in your report. We can create a crude one by using a subquery:

COUNT(DISTINCT t2.file_col) AS d_cnt,
COUNT(t2.file_col) AS cnt
SELECT '2018-06-01' AS date UNION ALL
SELECT '2018-06-02' UNION ALL
) t1
LEFT JOIN tab1 t2
ON = t2.date_col
WHERE BETWEEN 'date1' and 'date2'

Critical here is that we left join the calendar table to your table containing the actual data, but we count a column in your data table. This means that zero would be reported for any day not having matching data.

Get data between two dates in laravel, if data does not exist it should return 0 as count

Wrote something fast, should print the wanted result

  $period = CarbonPeriod::create('2018-06-14', '2018-06-20');
foreach ($period as $date)
$arr[] = DB::table('table_name')->selectRaw('date, count(user_id)')->where('date', $date)->get()->toArray();

Fill in missing dates with 0 (zero) in Pandas

You can do it like this:

(I did it with a smaller timeframe so change the date so that it fits you.)

import pandas as pd

x = {"date":["3/1/16","5/1/16","5/1/16"],

df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(x)
df["date"] = pd.to_datetime(df["date"], format='%d/%m/%y')

dtr =pd.date_range('01.01.2016', '01.10.2016', freq='D')
s = pd.Series(index=dtr)
df = pd.concat([df,s[~s.index.isin(df.index)]]).sort_index()
df = df.drop([0],axis=1).fillna(0)



2016-01-01 0.0
2016-01-02 0.0
2016-01-03 4.0
2016-01-04 0.0
2016-01-05 5.0
2016-01-05 6.0
2016-01-06 0.0
2016-01-07 0.0
2016-01-08 0.0
2016-01-09 0.0
2016-01-10 0.0

With file

Because you ask in the comment here an example with file:

df = pd.read_csv('myfile.csv', index_col=0)
df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index, format='%d/%m/%y')

dtr =pd.date_range('01.01.2016', '01.10.2016', freq='D')
s = pd.Series(index=dtr)
df = pd.concat([df,s[~s.index.isin(df.index)]]).sort_index()
df = df.drop([0],axis=1).fillna(0)

df.to_csv('missingDateCorrected.csv', encoding ='utf-8', index =True)

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