Oracle 11G - Check Constraint with Regex

Oracle 11g - Check constraint with RegEx

A check constraint follows the same syntax rules as conditions for a WHERE clause:

alter table foo
add constraint check_email
check (REGEXP_LIKE(email,'your_regex_goes_here','I'));

More details in the manual:

  • for Oracle 11 -
  • for Oracle 12 -


There are however some restrictions on what you can actually use in a check constraint:

  • Oracle 11 -
  • Oracle 12 -

How to use REGEXP_LIKE Constraint while creating Table

Regular expression '^[A-Za-z0-9]$' means only one character.

Try '^[A-Za-z0-9]+$' or '^[[:alnum:]]+$' or '^\w+$' instead.

Note regarding your comment: If you remove $ like '^[A-Za-z0-9]' then username like Rock and junk /code> would be considered as valid!

Oracle SQL - REGEXP_LIKE not working as expected in CHECK constraint

After some digging, I found that roomNo having the data type of char(5) is the culprit of this problem.

According to Oracle documentation on char in here:

When you insert a character value into a CHAR database column, Oracle does not strip trailing blanks. If the value is shorter than the defined width of the column, Oracle blank-pads the value to the defined width

When I insert 1234 into the table, since 1234 has a shorter length than the defined width of the column (ie. width of 5), Oracle adds blank pads to the right of the string so that the string is stored as 1234 with a single blank space after 1234.

Therefore, the string 1234 fails to match the RegEx ^\d{4}[A-Z]?$ since the last character of the string (ie. a blank space) does not match [A-Z].

A solution I can come up with is to use the RegEx of ^\d{4}[A-Z ]?$ so that it can match the single blank space located at the 5th character.


Another solution is to use RTRIM() function to remove tailing whitespaces at the right:

CONSTRAINT check_roomNo CHECK (REGEXP_LIKE(RTRIM(roomNo), '^\d{4}[A-Z]?$'))

Oracle check constraint to enforce only numbers and full stops

Try something like

alter table TBL add constraint TBL_COL_FMT
check (regexp_like(COL, '^\d+(\.\d+)*$'));

where the regular expression means one or more digits (\d+) followed
by zero or more groups of a single dot and one or more digits ((\.\d+)*).

Oracle constrain with regexp_like

Try the following regex: ^[A-Za-z()&| ).]*$

For more details:

[A-z] is not the same as [A-Za-z]

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