How to Run Multiple Ddl Statements Inside a Transaction (Within SQL Server)

Script for running DDL statements in a transaction

Download Red Gate SQL Compare and see how the scripts are generated there.

This does transactional DDL and can be extended for logging.

TRY/CATCH doesn't span batches which makes is trickier to use without dynamic SQL

Execute Immediate on DDL Statements

What you get is a compilation error. The PL/SQL will be compiled before it is executed. So during compilation, the table you try to SELECT will not be available. And hence the error. Only if the view name already exists, this will work. Try your select too as dynamic.

Stmt varchar2(2000);
Var number;
Stmt:='create or replace view emp_dept_v as select * from emp';
Execute immediate stmt;

Stmt:='Select count(*) from emp_dept_v';
Execute immediate stmt into var;
Dbms_output. Put_line(var);

And by the way, DDLs do not need a COMMIT;

Can we use 'GO' multiple times in SQL Transaction?

You are mixing concepts. GO is not a Transact-SQL concept, not part of the language, and not understood by SQL Server. GO is the tools batch delimiter. sqlcmd.exe and SSMS both are using, by default, GO as the batch delimiter. The batch delimiter is used to identify the individual batches inside the SQL source file. The client tool sends to the server one batch at a time (of course, omitting the delimiter).

Transactions can span batches. TRY/CATCH blocks cannot. CREATE/ALTER statements must be the only statement in a batch (comments are not statements, and statements contained in a function procedure body are,well, contained).

Something similar to what you want to do can be achieved by starting a transaction and abortign the execution on first error (-b at sqlcmd.exe start, or use :on error exit in SSMS).

But doing DDL inside long transactions is not going to work. Specially if you plan to mix it with DML. Most corruptions I had to investigate come from this combination (Xact, DDL + DML, rollback). I strongly recommend against it.

The sole way to deploy schema updates safely is to take a backup, deploy, restore from backup if something goes wrong.

Note that what Dan recommends (dynamic SQL) works because sp_executesql starts a new, inner, batch. This batch will satisfy the CREATE/ALTER restrictions.

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