How to Use System Username Directly in Ms Access Query

How to use system username directly in MS Access query?

You need to create a VBA function that returns the username, and then use the function in the query.

Public Function GetUserName() As String
' GetUserName = Environ("USERNAME")
' Better method, see comment by HansUp
GetUserName = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName
End Function


SELECT foo FROM bar WHERE myUserName = GetUserName();

How to get windows username in MS Access VBA on Windows Server 2008

I don't know which method you are using (there are several answers), but this one suggested by HansUp is easy and hopefully works on the Server too:

Public Function GetUserName() As String
' GetUserName = Environ("USERNAME")
' Better method, see comment by HansUp
GetUserName = CreateObject("WScript.Network").UserName
End Function

checking username and password from a ms access database

you can put query like this

Select * from passdb where username=@user and password=@pass;

for checking null fields you can put validators.

How to get logged-in user's name in Access vba?

Public Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" 
Alias "GetUserNameA" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long


Dim strLen As Long
Dim strtmp As String * 256
Dim strUserName As String

strLen = 255
GetUserName strtmp, strLen
strUserName = Trim$(TrimNull(strtmp))

Turns out question has been asked before: How can I get the currently logged-in windows user in Access VBA?

MS Access 2007, checking current user against a table

Sounds like your [USERS] object is not a table but Query (with parameter). Also, if you had a syntax error like '&_'(invalid) as opposed to '& _'(valid), your database would not compile. So, if table vs query is your case, please use the following:

Dim rs As Recordset
Dim qdf As QueryDef

Set qdf = CurrentDb.QueryDefs("Users")
qdf.Parameters("UserNameParameter") = fOSUsername
Set rs = qdf.OpenRecordset

Hard code credentials in MS Access connection string (password protected)

You can get direct access to a linked table by using its connection string, and filling in the user and password. For Oracle, the connection string structure can vary upon the used provider. View for a list of options (most likely option is Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=MyOracleDB;User Id=myUsername; Password=myPassword;).

You can obtain the current connection string for the linked table by querying MSysObjects inside Microsoft Access:

SELECT MSysObjects.Connect
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE MSysObjects.Name="MyLinkedTableName";

You can even change the connection string to include your username and password, if you wanted (see this answer).

However, take note that the one who originally linked the tables in Access, chose not to include a username and password. Including a username and password in an unsecured Access database might pose a security risk.

Also, take note that if you connect directly to the Oracle database, you must reference the table names as defined there, and use the proper SQL variant to query it.

Get the username and user type in the database to the program Java

Change this query:

select Username, UserType from Member


select Username, UserType from Member where Username=? and UserType=?

And and pass corresponding parameter to ?. Basically you are getting all records with no filtering.

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