How to Select Date Without Time in SQL

How to select date without time in SQL

I guess he wants a string.

select convert(varchar(10), '2011-02-25 21:17:33.933', 120)

120 here tells the convert function that we pass the input date in the following format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.

how to query where date with time = date without time in ms sql

Try like this

SELECT * FROM  Bookings WHERE Convert(VARCHAR(10),StartTime,101) =  Convert(Varchar(10),'2/15/2014',101)

If you are using SQL SERVER 2012

Try this

 SELECT * FROM  Bookings WHERE FORMAT(StartTime,'M/dd/yyyy') = FORMAT('2/15/2014','M/dd/yyyy')


How to return only the Date from a SQL Server DateTime datatype

SELECT DATEADD(dd, 0, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, @your_date))

for example


gives me

2008-09-22 00:00:00.000


  • No varchar<->datetime conversions required
  • No need to think about locale

Best approach to remove time part of datetime in SQL Server

Strictly, method a is the least resource intensive:

a) select DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, getdate()), 0)

Proven less CPU intensive for the same total duration a million rows by someone with way too much time on their hands: Most efficient way in SQL Server to get a date from date+time?

I saw a similar test elsewhere with similar results too.

I prefer the DATEADD/DATEDIFF because:

  • varchar is subject to language/dateformat issues

    Example: Why is my CASE expression non-deterministic?
  • float relies on internal storage
  • it extends to work out first day of month, tomorrow, etc by changing "0" base

Edit, Oct 2011

For SQL Server 2008+, you can CAST to date i.e. CAST(getdate() AS date). Or just use date datatype so no time to remove.

Edit, Jan 2012

A worked example of how flexible this is: Need to calculate by rounded time or date figure in sql server

Edit, May 2012

Do not use this in WHERE clauses and the like without thinking: adding a function or CAST to a column invalidates index usage. See number 2 here Common SQL Programming Mistakes

Now, this does have an example of later SQL Server optimiser versions managing CAST to date correctly, but generally it will be a bad idea ...

Edit, Sep 2018, for datetime2

DECLARE @datetime2value datetime2 = '02180912 11:45' --this is deliberately within datetime2, year 0218
DECLARE @datetime2epoch datetime2 = '19000101'

select DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, @datetime2epoch, @datetime2value), @datetime2epoch)

MS SQL Date Only Without Time

that is very bad for performance, take a look at Only In A Database Can You Get 1000% + Improvement By Changing A Few Lines Of Code

functions on the left side of the operator are bad

here is what you need to do

declare @d datetime
select @d = '2008-12-1 14:30:12'

where tstamp >= dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, @d)+0, 0)
and tstamp < dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, @d)+1, 0)

Run this to see what it does

select dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate())+1, 0)
select dateadd(dd, datediff(dd, 0, getdate())+0, 0)

Get only date without time in Oracle

Usually one would simply truncate the datetime with TRUNC:


This removes the time part from the datetime, so you get the mere date. Then in your application layer, you would care about how to display it.

For example you have a GUI with a grid. The grid displays the dates according to the user's system settings (e.g. Windows region settings), but the grid knows it's dates and can sort accordingly. For this to happen, you'd fill the grid with dates, not with strings representing a date.

If you want a fixed string format (e.g. in order to write into a file), you can use TO_CHAR instead:

TO_CHAR(pa.fromdate, '')

SQL Select Query returning DATE without TIME inside SQL but i when i run my ASP project it keeps adding 12:00:00 AM

change your query to

select CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),dateOfBirth,101) FROM EmpTBL  WHERE <>

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