Inventory Average Cost Calculation in SQL

Inventory Average Cost Calculation in SQL

You can use the MODEL clause to do this recursive calculation

Create sample table and insert data

create table costs (order_id int, volume int, price numeric(16,4), type char(1));

insert into costs (order_id, volume, price) values (1,1000,100);
insert into costs (order_id, volume, price) values (2,-500,110);
insert into costs (order_id, volume, price) values (3,1500,80);
insert into costs (order_id, volume, price) values (4,-100,150);
insert into costs (order_id, volume, price) values (5,-600,110);
insert into costs (order_id, volume, price) values (6,700,105);

The query (EDITED changing rules iterate(1000) to rules automatic order implements the MODEL clause as it is intended to function, i.e. top to bottom sequentially. It also took the query from 0.44s to 0.01s!)

select order_id, volume, price, total_vol, total_costs, unit_costs
from (select order_id, volume, price,
volume total_vol,
0.0 total_costs,
0.0 unit_costs,
row_number() over (order by order_id) rn
from costs order by order_id)
dimension by (order_id)
measures (volume, price, total_vol, total_costs, unit_costs)
rules automatic order -- iterate(1000)
( total_vol[any] = volume[cv()] + nvl(total_vol[cv()-1],0.0),
total_costs[any] =
case SIGN(volume[cv()])
when -1 then total_vol[cv()] * nvl(unit_costs[cv()-1],0.0)
else volume[cv()] * price[cv()] + nvl(total_costs[cv()-1],0.0)
unit_costs[any] = total_costs[cv()] / total_vol[cv()]
order by order_id


1 1000 100 1000 100000 100
2 -500 110 500 50000 100
3 1500 80 2000 170000 85
4 -100 150 1900 161500 85
5 -600 110 1300 110500 85
6 700 105 2000 184000 92

This site has a good tutorial on the MODEL clause


The EXCEL sheet for the data above would look like this, with the formula extended downwards

    A         B       C      D          E                         F
1| order_id volume price total_vol total_costs unit_costs
2| 0 0 0
3| 1 1000 100 =C4+E3 =IF(C4<0,G3*E4,F3+C4*D4) =F4/E4
4| 2 -500 110 =C5+E4 =IF(C5<0,G4*E5,F4+C5*D5) =F5/E5
5| 3 1500 80 =C6+E5 =IF(C6<0,G5*E6,F5+C6*D6) =F6/E6
6| 4 -100 150 =C7+E6 =IF(C7<0,G6*E7,F6+C7*D7) =F7/E7
7| 5 -600 110 =C8+E7 =IF(C8<0,G7*E8,F7+C8*D8) =F8/E8
8| 6 700 105 =C9+E8 =IF(C9<0,G8*E9,F8+C9*D9) =F9/E9

SQL - Calculate cumulative average cost price for a product

  1. First we need to find a query to give us the current stock level for each product. For that, we left join purchaseorderline and orderline to product and calculate the differences for each row. Since a product can be in multiple orders we additionally aggregate the result, to get the overall difference -- the current stock level -- for each product.

    SELECT p.productid,
    sum(coalesce(pol.qty, 0) - coalesce(ol.qty, 0)) qty
    FROM product p
    LEFT JOIN purchaseorderline pol
    ON pol.productid = p.productid
    LEFT JOIN orderline ol
    ON ol.productid = p.productid
    GROUP BY p.productid,
  2. Next we need the quantity, that was stocked for each product and day (of purchaseorders). To get that, we inner join purchaseorder and purchaseorderline. Again we aggregate to account for the possible case, that multiple orders on the same day were made for the same product.

    SELECT pol.productid,
    sum(pol.qty) qty,
    sum(pol.qty * pol.unitprice) unitprice
    FROM purchaseorder po
    INNER JOIN purchaseorderline pol
    ON pol.purchaseorderid = po.purchaseorderid
    GROUP BY pol.productid,

    We can now use the previous result and window functions to get the sum of the quantity stocked and the average price of the products up to each day.

    SELECT po.productid,
    sum(po.qty) OVER (PARTITION BY po.productid
    ORDER BY po.purchaseorderdate) qty,
    sum(po.unitprice) OVER (PARTITION BY po.productid
    ORDER BY po.purchaseorderdate)
    sum(po.qty) OVER (PARTITION BY po.productid
    ORDER BY po.purchaseorderdate) unitprice
    FROM (SELECT pol.productid,
    sum(pol.qty) qty,
    sum(pol.qty * pol.unitprice) unitprice
    FROM purchaseorder po
    INNER JOIN purchaseorderline pol
    ON pol.purchaseorderid = po.purchaseorderid
    GROUP BY pol.productid,
    po.purchaseorderdate) po;

Now we put the results from 1. and 2. together using OUTER APPLY. For each product, we select the TOP 1 result from 2. ordered by the day descending -- i.e. younger orders first --, that stocked a quantity greater than or equal to the one currently in stock.

SELECT p.productid,
FROM (SELECT p.productid,
sum(coalesce(pol.qty, 0) - coalesce(ol.qty, 0)) qty
FROM product p
LEFT JOIN purchaseorderline pol
ON pol.productid = p.productid
LEFT JOIN orderline ol
ON ol.productid = p.productid
GROUP BY p.productid,
p.productname) p
FROM (SELECT po.productid,
sum(po.qty) OVER (PARTITION BY po.productid
ORDER BY po.purchaseorderdate) qty,
sum(po.unitprice) OVER (PARTITION BY po.productid
ORDER BY po.purchaseorderdate)
sum(po.qty) OVER (PARTITION BY po.productid
ORDER BY po.purchaseorderdate) unitprice
FROM (SELECT pol.productid,
sum(pol.qty) qty,
sum(pol.qty * pol.unitprice) unitprice
FROM purchaseorder po
INNER JOIN purchaseorderline pol
ON pol.purchaseorderid = po.purchaseorderid
GROUP BY pol.productid,
po.purchaseorderdate) po) po
WHERE po.productid = p.productid
AND po.qty >= p.qty
ORDER BY po.purchaseorderdate DESC) po;

Calculation average costing using with recursive sql (postgres 9.1)

This is probably not the "best" answer to your question, but while struggling with this tricky problem, I hit - just by accident - some ugly workaround :).

Click on this SQL Fiddle demo

with recursive 
trans (n, id, amt, qty, oqty, sqty, prevavg, avg) as (
select 0 n, id, amt, qty, oqty, sqty, avg, avg
from runsum
select trans.n + 1,, trans.amt, trans.qty, trans.oqty, trans.sqty,
lag(trans.avg) over (order by 1),
case when runsum.sqty=0 then runsum.amt
((trans.prevavg *(runsum.sqty+trans.qty))-(runsum.amt*trans.qty)+(trans.prevavg*trans.oqty))/(runsum.sqty+trans.oqty)
from runsum
join trans using (id)
where trans.n < 20
select *
from trans
where prevavg is null and avg is not null
order by id;

It seems that the source of the problem is UNION clause in the recursive query.

Read this link:

They wrote that for UNION the recursive query discards duplicate rows while evaluating recursive query.

Perpetual Weighted Average cost Calculation SQL Server 2008

If I understand correctly, you want the cumulative average price.

This approach uses subqueries to calculate the cumulative total quantity and the cumulative total paid. The ratio is the avg cost:

select t.*, cumepaid / cumeqty as avg_cost
from (select t.*,
(select SUM(qty) from t t2 where t2.item_id = t.item_id and t2.purch_id <= t.purch_id
) as cumeqty,
(select SUM(qty*unit_price) from t t2 where t2.item_id = t.item_id and t2.purch_id <= t.purch_id
) as cumepaid
from t
) t

In SQL Server 2012, you can do this by directly calculating cumulative sums (should be more efficient). You could also do this with cross apply, but I prefer standard SQL.

Calculate Weighted Cost (Avg) of a product in T-SQL

One way to do it using a recursive cte. This is because you wouldn't know the avgCost for each row until the previous calculation is complete. So you can do this iteratively.

with rownums as (select t.*,row_number() over(partition by productId order by id) as rnum from @tbl t)
,cte as (select rnum,id,ProductId, BeginInvt, SaleQty, SalePrice,
PurQty, PurCost, EndingInvt ,cast(1.9 as decimal(38,5)) as avgCost --replace this with a calculation if you know it.
from rownums
where rnum=1
union all
select r2.rnum,,r2.ProductId, r2.BeginInvt, r2.SaleQty, r2.SalePrice, r2.PurQty, r2.PurCost, r2.EndingInvt,
cast(((r2.BeginInvt*r1.avgCost)+(coalesce(r2.PurQty,0)*coalesce(r2.PurCost,0)))/(r2.BeginInvt+coalesce(r2.PurQty,0)) as decimal(38,5))
from cte r1
join rownums r2 on r1.productId=r2.productId and r2.rnum=r1.rnum+1
select ProductId, BeginInvt, SaleQty, SalePrice, PurQty, PurCost, EndingInvt, avgCost
from cte

Sample Demo

Calculate Average Qty On Hand of Inventory

I was able to solve this with a sum. First, I multiplied the final quantity on hand by the number of days in the range. Next, I multiplied each change in inventory by the time from @StartDate until the TransDate.

[Part].[PartNum] as [Part_PartNum],
sum(PartTran.TranQty*datediff(day,@StartDate,PartTran.TranDate))) as [Calculated_WeightedSum],
(WeightedSum/DATEDIFF(day, @StartDate, Constants.Today)) as [Calculated_AverageOnHand]
from Erp.Part as Part
right outer join Erp.PartTran as PartTran on
Part.PartNum = PartTran.PartNum

inner join Erp.PartWhse as PartWhse on
Part.PartNum = PartWhse.PartNum

group by [Part].[PartNum]

Thanks for your help everyone! You really helped me think it through.

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