SQL Statement with Multiple Sets and Wheres

SQL Statement with multiple SETs and WHEREs


You'll need to handle those individually

Update [table]
Set ID = 111111259
WHERE ID = 2555

Update [table]
Set ID = 111111261
WHERE ID = 2724


SQL multi SET with one WHERE

This is possible,

UPDATE table SET Name = 'aaa', Col2 = 'bbb' WHERE ID IN (2555, 2666)

What you are asking for is setting multiple values to same column and same row.

SQL Statement using Where clause with multiple values

Try this:

select songName from t
where personName in ('Ryan', 'Holly')
group by songName
having count(distinct personName) = 2

The number in the having should match the amount of people. If you also need the Status to be Complete use this where clause instead of the previous one:

where personName in ('Ryan', 'Holly') and status = 'Complete'

Multiple set and where clauses in Update query in mysql

I decided to use multiple queries all in one go. so the code would go like

UPDATE table SET col2='value1' WHERE col1='setting1';
UPDATE table SET col2='value2' WHERE col1='setting1';


I've just done a test where I insert 1500 records into the database. Do it without starting a DB transaction and it took 35 seconds, blanked the database and did it again but starting a transaction first, then once the 1500th record inserted finish the transaction and the time it took was 1 second, so definetely seems like doing it in a db transaction is the way to go.

SQL - Update multiple records in one query

Try either multi-table update syntax

UPDATE config t1 JOIN config t2
ON t1.config_name = 'name1' AND t2.config_name = 'name2'
SET t1.config_value = 'value',
t2.config_value = 'value2';

Here is a SQLFiddle demo

or conditional update

UPDATE config
SET config_value = CASE config_name
WHEN 'name1' THEN 'value'
WHEN 'name2' THEN 'value2'
ELSE config_value
WHERE config_name IN('name1', 'name2');

Here is a SQLFiddle demo

sql query with multiple where statements

You need to consider that GROUP BY happens after the WHERE clause conditions have been evaluated. And the WHERE clause always considers only one row, meaning that in your query, the meta_key conditions will always prevent any records from being selected, since one column cannot have multiple values for one row.

And what about the redundant meta_value checks? If a value is allowed to be both smaller and greater than a given value, then its actual value doesn't matter at all - the check can be omitted.

According to one of your comments you want to check for places less than a certain distance from a given location. To get correct distances, you'd actually have to use some kind of proper distance function (see e.g. this question for details). But this SQL should give you an idea how to start:

SELECT items.* FROM items i, meta_data m1, meta_data m2
WHERE i.item_id = m1.item_id and i.item_id = m2.item_id
AND m1.meta_key = 'lat' AND m1.meta_value >= 55 AND m1.meta_value <= 65
AND m2.meta_key = 'lng' AND m2.meta_value >= 20 AND m2.meta_value <= 30

Multiple WHERE conditions in one SQL statement

You cannot have multiple WHERE at the same level of SQL query. You need to use AND:

AND COL2 = ?
AND COL3 = ?
-- ...
AND COL8 = ?

or use nesting:

FROM Table
WHERE ID = ?) s

It is actually an interesting question. For instance KQL(Kusto query language) allows to chain multiple WHERE:

| where col = ?
| where col2 = ?


let t1 = datatable(key:long, value:string)  
[1, "a",
2, "b",
3, "c"];

| where key in (1,2)
| where value == "b"

Update multiple rows with multiple 'where' clauses for each individual row

give this a try by using CASE

Update  MyTable 
SET value = CASE
WHEN game_id = 1 AND x = -4 AND y = 8 THEN 1
WHEN game_id = 1 AND x = -3 AND y = 7 THEN 2
WHEN game_id = 2 AND x = 5 AND y = 2 THEN 3
ELSE value
WHERE game_ID IN (1,2,3) AND -- the purpose of this WHERE clause
x IN (-4, -3, 5) AND -- is to optimize the query by preventing from
y IN (8,7,2) -- performing full table scan.

SQL: Update table where column = Multiple Values

Replace ProductID = with ProductID IN

Update Products 
Set ProductName = 'Shoes'
WHERE ProductID IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8)

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