How to Sort a Linked List in SQL

How do I sort a linked list in sql?

In Oracle:

SELECT Id, ParentId, SomeData
SELECT ll.*, level AS lvl
FROM LinkedList ll
ParentId = PRIOR Id

P. S. It's a bad practice to use NULL as ParentID, as it is not searchable by indices. Insert a surrogate root with id of 0 or -1 instead, and use START WITH ParentID = 0.

Sorting a linked list in Mysql

In MySQL 8.0:

with recursive my_node (id) as (
select id from table_a where parent_id is null
union all
select from my_node n join table_a a on = a.parent_id
select * from my_node;

Linked List in SQL

Store an integer column in your table called 'position'. Record a 0 for the first item in your list, a 1 for the second item, etc. Index that column in your database, and when you want to pull your values out, sort by that column.

 alter table linked_list add column position integer not null default 0;
alter table linked_list add index position_index (position);
select * from linked_list order by position;

To insert a value at index 3, modify the positions of rows 3 and above, and then insert:

 update linked_list set position = position + 1 where position >= 3;
insert into linked_list (my_value, position) values ("new value", 3);

Ordering a Linked List-Structure in a SQL or LINQ Query?

Not sure of [SortOrder] makes any difference as I don't have enough data to test it. It allows you to sort in both directions.

with cteList as
select id, data, nextid, 1 as [SortOrder]
from #TableTemp
where id = 'E8ADAA52-54F8-4FE3-BE59-9852E52B33F5' --id of the 1st item

union all

select,, #TableTemp.nextid, (cteList.[SortOrder] + 1) as [SortOrder]
from #TableTemp
join cteList on = cteList.nextid
select * from cteList
order by [SortOrder] asc

SQL - Linked List Table - Is there a better way to write this query?

You can use a recursive CTE:

with cte as (
select nodeid, nodeid as oldestnodeid
from nodes
where previousnodeid is null
union all
select n.nodeid, cte.oldestnodeid
from cte join
nodes n
on cte.nodeid = n.previousnodeid
select *
from cte
order by nodeid;

Here is a db<>fiddle.

Although this is also "iterative", it is much better than the cursor-based approach. Basically, all three "oldest" nodes are handled in parallel. So the query recurses 5 times -- for the As -- rather iteratively looping through 9 rows.

How to sort a sql result based on values in previous row?

This is actually sorting a linked list:

WITH SortedList (Id, objectBefore , projectID, testName, Level)
SELECT Id, objectBefore , projectID, testName, 0 as Level
FROM YourTable
WHERE objectBefore = -1
SELECT ll.Id, ll.objectBefore , ll.projectID, ll.testName, Level+1 as Level
FROM YourTable ll
INNER JOIN SortedList as s
ON ll.objectBefore = s.Id

SELECT Id, objectBefore , projectID, testName
FROM SortedList

You can find more details in this post

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