Using Form_For Tag with Get Method

Using form_for tag with get method

You can pass the raw HTML attributes using :html if you need to. For Rails 3:

<%= form_for(@post_filter, :url=> filter_path, :html => { :method => 'GET' }) do |f| %>

Update and in Rails 4, per @andre.orvalho's suggestion below, the method parameter can be supplied directly:

<%= form_for(@post_filter, url: filter_path, method: :get ) do |f| %>

Call GET method by not using the form html tag

There are several http verbs (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH). But when you are talking about old-school web development, there are really only 2 (GET and POST). A form has the option to submit using GET or POST, but every time you type a URL into the address bar of your browser, you are actually making a GET request. That means that every time you click on a link you are making a GET request.

This is basically a long way of saying all you need to due is add:

<a href="">Click On Me!!</a>

The kicker here is you can't add an data to the body of your request. But it doesn't seem like that is what you need.

How do I use get method to input values to form field with PHP

In your HTML, add the input field like this:

<input type="text" name="username" value="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_GET['username']); ?>" />

Basically, the value attribute of the text field needs to be set to:

<?php echo $_GET['username']; ?>

The code right above this is how you would output a get variable in php whether you are putting it in a text field or not.
To access get variables, always use:


Then you can assign it to variables or pass it as a function parameter.

**However, I strongly do not recommend passing sensitive information like usernames and passwords through GET variables. **

First off, users could change the URL hence changing the variable. They could also accidentally share the URL with someone and that could give someone else access to their account. I would recommend that you create a cookie on their machine that is set to a random ID, and then in a MySQL database, associate that ID with a username so that you know the user can't accidentally share their account or change their username through the URL.

which form tags values of HTML can be passed in get method?

all tags can be sent in GET method on form submit except <optgroup><fieldset><label><div>(mentioned in your question)

in url you will see them as key=value&key=value pairs

for <option>, its sent in the name of <select>

HTML form send data by GET instead POST

It should be a post (assuming that you forgot the closing tag only in your example). I added your code and put the closing tag in an html file and submitted in Chrome. This is what I see in the network trace:

Sample Image

Also look at this question in case you are doing the same.

Passing value from form tag to an action method not working

Drop the '/id' from url, simplify it and use id attribute in your text box and it will bind.


<form action="api/Values/Delete" method="post">
<div style="text-align: center">
<input type="number" id="id" value=""/>
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/>


public IHttpActionResult Delete(int id)
var delete = => s.StudentID == id);
if (delete != null) {;;
return Ok(Models.db.test);

rails 'form_tag' defaults to POST method but submits with GET method

You can directly use route and its http request, try this

<%= form_tag( '/orders/users/create_user', :method => :post ) do %>


post "/orders/users/create_user" => "orders#create_user", :as => :create_user


match "/orders/users/create_user" => "orders#create_user", :via => :post, :as => :create_user

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