How to Call a Method That Is a Hash Value

How do I call a method that is a hash value?

that code doesn't work. it executes a at the time it is added to the hash, not when it is retrieved from the hash (try it in irb).

It doesn't work in the class because there is no a method defined on the class (you eventually define a method a on the instance.

Try actually using lambdas like

{0 => lambda { puts "hello world" }} 


How to call function on object coming from Hash-table value in c#

You should create an interface (or base class), then have a Dictionary storing objects implementing that interface, like in this example:

using System.Collections.Generic;

interface IEvaluation {
void StartEvaluation();

class LocationEvaluation : IEvaluation {
public void StartEvaluation() {
// do something...

class AssetEvaluation : IEvaluation {
public void StartEvaluation() {
// do something...

class Program {
static void Main(string[] args) {

// fill dictionary with IEvaluation objects
Dictionary<string, IEvaluation> evaluations = new Dictionary<string, IEvaluation>();
evaluations["LocationEvaluation"] = new LocationEvaluation();
evaluations["AssetEvaluation"] = new AssetEvaluation();

// get an object from the dictionary and call the function on it
IEvaluation evaluation = evaluations["AssetEvaluation"];

Storing a function in the value for a key within a hash

You can use the send keyword

send h[step]

since you writing the method name directly in value part of the hash, the call is being made, but If you store the method names as a string and then if you call by send method as shown below, it would work.

def hi
puts 'hi'

def hello
puts 'hello'

h = {
1 => 'hi',
2 => 'hello',

send h[1]

Store functions in hash

Not exactly like this, no. You need to get a hold of the Method proxy object for the method and store that in the Hash:

hash = { 'v' => method(:show_version) }

And you need to call the Method object:


Method duck-types Proc, so you could even store simple Procs alongside Methods in the Hash and there would be no need to distinguish between them, because both of them are called the same way:

hash['h'] = -> { puts 'Hello' }
# Hello

How do I use hash keys as methods on a class?

def method_missing(name, *args, &blk)
if args.empty? && blk.nil? && @attributes.has_key?(name)

Explanation: If you call a method, which does not exist, method_missing is invoked with the name of the method as the first parameter, followed by the arguments given to the method and the block if one was given.

In the above we say that if a method, which was not defined, is called without arguments and without a block and the hash has an entry with the method name as key, it will return the value of that entry. Otherwise it will just proceed as usual.

Calling a Javascript function from a hash value with namespaces

This should work:

$(function() {
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1);[hash]();

In JavaScript dot notation and square brackets are interchangeable, as long as the key is a valid JavaScript identifier. (Otherwise, you have to use square brackets.)

So you could also do this (although dot notation is more readable):

$(function() {
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1);

How to call a function from hash in perl

I decided to enhance your code:


use strict; use warnings;

package App;

use OtherModule;
use Other2Module;

my $hash = {
login => \&OtherModule::login,
logout => \&Other2Module::logout,

sub hashF
my($module, @params) = @_;

return $hash->{$module}->(@params);

We cannot assign bare names, but we can pass around code references. The & Sigil denotes the "code" type or a subroutine, and \ gives us a reference to it. (Not getting a reference would execute the code; not something we want. Never execute &subroutine unprovoked.)

BTW: Hashes can only hold scalar values, and (code) references are a kind of scalar.

When we want to call our sub from the hash, we have to use the dereference operator ->.
$hash->{$module} returns a code reference as value; ->(@arglist) executes it with the given arguments.

Another BTW: Don't write App::hashF unless you are working inside an external module. You can declare your current namespace by writing package App or whatever name you like (should correspond with path/name of .pm file).

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