Trying to Install Rails- Eisdir Error

Trying to install rails- EISDIR error

/Users/CZom/.gemrc should be a user specific config file that gets loaded when executing the gem command. Sounds like in your case it is a directory instead. Rubygems is complaining therefore.

Try to rename /Users/CZom/.gemrc or remove it completely if it isn't needed.

ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EISDIR) gem install rails

You're still using the system ruby install (1.8). To use the Ruby you've just installed with rvm, do rvm use 1.9.2. Then try gem install rails again. The Rails gem should be installed under your home directory, you shouldn't need root permissions.

To make the rvm Ruby the default, so you always start with it when you open a new terminal, do rvm --default use 1.9.2 (note that's two dashes).

Rails 4.0 install error in terminal

The error says cleanly: Is a directory - /Users/MARS/.gemrc (Errno::EISDIR), and .gemrc file placed in your home folder MUST be a file, not a folder. So either make it a file, or remove folder with such name.

Rails 4.0 install error in terminal

The error says cleanly: Is a directory - /Users/MARS/.gemrc (Errno::EISDIR), and .gemrc file placed in your home folder MUST be a file, not a folder. So either make it a file, or remove folder with such name.

rake: Is a directory (Errno::EISDIR) in Dreamhost while installing Radiant

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If you look in the source code of the sprockets gem (where the error is coming from) you can see that the error is being raised by these lines:

63  begin
64 if File.exist?(@path)
65 data = json_decode(
66 end
67 rescue MultiJson::DecodeError => e
68 logger.error "#{@path} is invalid: #{e.class} #{e.message}"
69 end

Line 65 is the problem, specifically - as shown by your error message (sprockets-2.12.3/lib/sprockets/manifest.rb:65:in `read').

Basically, @path is supposed to be a string representing a filename but it's actually pointing to a directory, which is causing to fail. @path is supposed to be pointing to your asset's manifest file (usually created automatically by Sprockets) and I'm not sure why it's getting the incorrect path here - do you have anything that looks relevant to your manifest file in config/application.rb or in your environment config files? What about in app/assets/javascripts/application.js or app/assets/stylesheets/application.css?

Try editing your local copy of sprockets yourself (run "cd `bundle show sprockets`" from your app's directory to find it) and adding puts @path before line 65 above (just make sure you remember to remove it when you're done!) - what does it say?

RVM & Rails 3 - rails command fires error: Is a directory

Check out my answer on this other question:

(if this works for you, we should mark this as a duplicate question. But I don't have enough points to do that myself)


Older versions of rvm had a bug that can cause your ruby versions to get crosswired because the OS can cache executable paths for the which command (particularly if you are using zsh). See this long, detailed, mind blowing post by Yehuda Katz on the subject.

What I had to do this morning:

rvm update && rvm reload # update rvm
rvm gemset delete rails3 # delete old gemset
rvm install 1.9.2
rvm use 1.9.2
rvm gemset create rails3
rvm use 1.9.2@rails3
which ruby # check to be sure the ruby interpretter is properly set to 1.9.2
hash -r # if ruby interpretter is not pointing to 1.9.2
gem install rails
which rails # check to be sure we are using rvm version of rails

NPM stuck giving the same error EISDIR: Illegal operation on a directory, read at error (native)

I ran into the same problem while I was changing some npm settings. I did a mistake with one npm config set command and this added a line referring to a non-existing directory to C:\Users\{User}\.npmrc. After I deleted that line manually from .npmrc, the problem was gone.

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