Include Params/Request Information in Rails Logger

Rails: How do I print the request parameters?

I would use debug(params). That will give you a nicely formatted view of them.

How to log specific request details to rails server logs

I believe most, if not all, of the info you requested can be found in the request headers and response. Information on how to add that to logs has been answered before, but basically you can use an around_filter in the ApplicationController to log the information you care about form the request headers. For example here's how you could log the user agent from the request and status code from the response:

class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base 
around_filter :global_request_logging

def global_request_logging "USERAGENT: #{request.headers['HTTP_USER_AGENT']}"
ensure "response_status: #{response.status}"

As far as getting the format you want, if you wrap calls you can output whatever format you want. Also, the Rails logger is also very customizable, and a few projects already exist that might suit your needs to replace default logging or as inspiration for how to go about creating a useful format:

  • lograge - replaces default Rails logging with single line, key-value output, but doesn't yet do request parameters
  • scrolls - More generic contextual, key-value

Replay Ruby on Rails logs including parameters and session information?

I am looking at paper_trail to get this kind of functionality in the future. For the app in question, we had to do some heavy-duty log parsing to get the results we needed. It included separating the actions out by IP address (thus similating sessions, although some IP addresses contained multiple user sessions) and parsing the actions and params in the logs. It was not 100% effective at reproducing the exact state of the database, but it was pretty close.

Info about parameters and rendered partials missing from Rails development log file

Check that the Logger used by ActionController::Base is the same as the one used for the rest of the app. In the rails console, ActionController::Base.logger == Rails.logger should be true.

If it is false, then the app is somewhere setting up a specific Logger for ActionController::Base using something like ActionController::Base.logger ='log/controllers.log'))

ruby on rails log file to big - remove params from it

You can set the log level to be less verbose.

See the rails guide on debugging.

So for your entire application (in development), add this to config/environments/development.rb:

config.log_level = :warn # In any environment initializer, or

Or, to change the logging level directly in your application:

Rails.logger.level = 0 # at any time

Filter long log parameters in Rails

I ended up putting something like this in my application.rb

config.filter_parameters << lambda do |k, v|
if k == 'data' && v && v.class == String && v.length > 1024

I couldn't find a better way to do this. So I look for the key 'data' in the params. And if the value for that data is a String and over a certain length, I just replace it so the logs isn't so cluttered.

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