Stop Rails Console from Printing Out the Object at the End of a Loop

Stop rails console from printing out the object at the end of a loop

If you don't want to disable the echo in general you could also call multiple expressions in one command line. Only the last expression's output will be displayed.

big_result(input); 0

Stop console printing the same message multiple times when inputting an string instead of integer

If you can, switch the type of response from int to string then parse the input string using package strconv (such as strconv.Atoi() ). I suspect Scan is trying to read each character you entered as a separate int, failing each time, and running the loop each time until all the characters have been consumed.

for example

    for {
var response string
fmt.Printf("How many %v would you like to buy? ", product.Name)
_, err := fmt.Scanln(&response)
if err != nil { // probably don't need to check err from Scan()
num, err := strconv.Atoi(response)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Enter an integer.")

if ok, err := validResponse(num); ok && err==nil {
} else {

How to suppress Rails console/irb outputs

You can append ; nil to your statements.


users = User.all; nil

irb prints the return value of the last executed statement; thus in this case it'll print only nil since nil is the last executed valid statement.

How can i make the loop end when user writes stop and to start a new number in the loop?

Here is a code solution I produced for this problem. Try it out and see if it is to your liking:

 class NumberGuessingGame    

def initialize

def welcome
puts "Welcome to Guess the Number \n Human VS Machine"

def guess
loop do
@number= rand(0..9)
p "Write a number between 0 and 9"
numer = -1
while numer != @number
numer = gets.chomp.to_i
if numer<@number
p "Too low"
elsif numer>@number
p "Too high"
elsif numer == @number
p "You got it!"
puts "WOOOOW!! Very Impresive. Want to defeat the machine again? If not write stop otherwise press any key."
answer = gets.chomp # The Critical Line to break out of the Loop is here:
break if answer.downcase == "stop"


and you'd call it like this:

g =

that escapes if you write 'stop'. i made minor modifications of the functionality. The loop is broken if the "stop" answer is detected. that is the critical line.

I can't see a good reason for client code to be doing this type of thing:

game =
# Pruebas
a = ""
p "Welcome to Guess the Number"
p "Human VS Machine"
while a != "Stop"
x = ""
while x != "you got it!"
p"Write a number between 0 and 9"
y = gets.chomp.to_i
p x = game.guess(y)
p "WOOOOW!! Very Impresive. Want to defeat the machine again? If not write
stop or guess the new number"
a = gets.chomp

ideally you want to let all the methods in a class to do all the work - you should not have to write 'welcome to the game etc' from outside the class - that should be the responsibility of the NumberGuessingGame class.

hope this helps.

Ruby / Rails - .each Iterator is printing entire array at the end of the loop

# Change this line with an =:
<%= @categories.each do |c| %>
# this:
<% @categories.each do |c| %>

You only want the side effects on the block of the #each method, you don't want interpolation of the returned value.

Entire hash getting returned at the end of the loop

The each method returns the original enumerable object it was called upon, this is why you keep putsing the entire hash after the end of the loop.

Why is this rails view spitting out a raw array at the end of an .each do loop?

Try removing the equals sign in <%= @post.comments.each do |comment| %>. The equals is only necessary if the method itself outputs something. In this case you're just using it to iterate a collection.

whole RUBY hashmap printed out after .each loop

You're getting this because you've included a = sign in your .each loop. When you write <%= you're telling the .erb interpreter that what's inside of the brackets is going to get displayed on the page. Change the line

<%= @tag_color_hash.each do |tag, color| %>


<% @tag_color_hash.each do |tag, color| %>

and your problem should get fixed. Here's a link to a useful StackOverflow answer.

Print object attributes in a table in rails console

For added flexibility, you can use something like terminal-table. With it, you can display anything in a table.

table = do |t|
t << ['One', 1]
t << :separator
t.add_row ['Two', 2]
t.add_row ['Three', 3]

puts table

# +-------+---+
# | One | 1 |
# +-------+---+
# | Two | 2 |
# +-------+---+
# | Three | 3 |
# +-------+---+

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