Can't Open Rails Server

Can't Start Rails Server in Windows

You need to create a rails app and change into that directory before you can run the server. Try this:

rails new commandsapp    # the name can be anything you want
cd commandsapp
rails server

"rails new " creates a new folder with the default rails layout (app, db, log etc).

Can't start Rails localhost - (no processes running on port 3000)

If you are using a Linux operating system

First we will use the fuser command which identifies which processes are using a file or a socket.

fuser -n tcp 3000
3000 / tcp: 7425

The -n parameter is used when we want to identify processes that are using TCP or UDP sockets, in my case I want to know who is using port 3000.

The command returns the pid of the process, with this data and with the help of the ps command we will obtain more information about it.

ps x | grep 7425
7425 pts / 3 Tl 1:15 /home/carlos/.rvm/rubies/ruby-1.9.3-p0/bin/ruby
script / rails s

With this we see that an instance of the rails test server was hung, to free the port we killed the process using the pid that we already have.

kill -9 7425

And then we see that indeed the process has been completed.

ps x | grep 7425
7973 pts / 3 S + 0:00 grep --color = auto 7425
[1] + Finished (killed) rails s

I hope it will be you useful

The article of the answer

Can't Open rails console on Ruby on Rails

It seems like you have a missing system dependency according to the following error cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Which you need to install. If you are on Ubuntu you can install the following package: libreadline7

Rails server refuses to connect in browser

Resolved by running Ruby on Rails on UBUNTU VirtualBox machine.

Rails Server is not starting on Windows 10

The problem my be caused due to following (Unable to Install gems)

if you are using latest version of ruby installer to install ruby then there are problem for installing nokogiri and ulifier or other gem which needs to compailing in your pc. so you needs to install devkit first. For this please do following:

The download is a self-extracting archive. When you execute the file, it’ll ask you for a destination for the files. Enter a path that has no spaces in it. We recommend something simple, like C:\RubyDevKit\. Click Extract and wait until the process is finished.
Download from here

Next, you need to initialize the DevKit and bind it to your Ruby installation. Open your favorite command line tool and navigate to the folder you extracted the DevKit into.

cd C:\RubyDevKit

Auto-detect Ruby installations and add them to a configuration file for the next step.

ruby dk.rb init

Install the DevKit, binding it to your Ruby installation.

ruby dk.rb install

Now run bundle install

If still problem persist downgrade your ruby or install linux distro.

Why can't I start my webserver (`rails server`)?

This is generally the result of some directory in your Rails directory not having the correct permissions.

Here is an in-depth discussion of the permissions in Rails:

If you wanted to check to see if that was the problem. Then on a NON-PRODUCTION SERVER give 777 access to the entire rails directory.

rails server successfully, but can't access the web

You should be able to see the page under the following URLS:

  • http://localhost:3000/

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