Open_Id_Authentication - "Openidauthentication.Store Is Nil. Using In-Memory Store." Problem

open_id_authentication - is nil. Using in-memory store. problem

I was having similar problems with the most recent open_id plugin and the memory store. Some OpenID sites would work, but most would not. Something in the MemoryStore is broken on how to authenticate. Switching to using the file store worked fine for me.

I created a initializer named config/initializers/openid.rb with this inside: = :file

Restarted the app, and every openId URL I tried started working.

Why the File store works when the Memory store doesn't, I can't answer. I just know that this fixed it for me.

Adding thoughtbot's open_id_authentication to thoughtbot's clearance

The "open_id_authentication" plugin is not originally Thoughtbot's, it's probably just their fork of the main one. That plugin provides some useful controller methods, but doesn't integrate with Clearance out-of-the-box. You'll have to study how both work and write additional code in your app that inherits from Clearance controllers and mixes in OpenID authentication logic.

Redmine 2 on Hostmonster apache fcgi: Rails application failed to start properly

It was a gems path issue.
Thanks to this no such file to load -- bundler/setup in Rails 3.2 with Passenger I added this line in /public/.htaccess:

SetEnv GEM_PATH /path-to-ruby-gems/ruby/gems

Disable Redirect by Spring Security in Jersey Spring Boot Application


This the default behaviour of Jetty when the server responds with a status code >=400 (except for 404 ) and the response has no entity. You can "disable" this behaviour by settings an empty error pages list

public EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer containerCustomizer() {

return new EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer() {
public void customize(ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer container) {
// On skippe la redirection /error realise
container.setErrorPages(Sets.<ErrorPage> newConcurrentHashSet());

Despite of this workaround, the server will send the real http status with a XML body (see ErrorHandler)

This is also the case for undertow.

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