How to Run Rake Tasks Within My Rails Application

How do I run rake tasks within my rails application

If you wish this rake code to run during the request cycle then you should avoid running rake via system or any of the exec family (including backticks) as this will start a new ruby interpreter and reload the rails environment each time it is called.

Instead you can call the Rake commands directly as follows :-

require 'rake'

class SomeModel <ActiveRecord::Base

def self.run_rake(task_name)
load File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'lib', 'tasks', 'custom_task.rake')

Note: in Rails 4+, you'll use Rails.root instead of RAILS_ROOT.

And then just use SomeModel.run_rake("ts:reindex")

The key parts here are to require rake and make sure you load the file containing the task definitions.

Most information obtained from

Rails how to run rake task

You can run Rake tasks from your shell by running:

rake task_name

To run from from Ruby (e.g., in the Rails console or another Rake task):


To run multiple tasks in the same namespace with a single task, create the following new task in your namespace:

task :runall => [:iqmedier, :euroads, :mikkelsen, :orville] do
# This will run after all those tasks have run

Run Rake task programmatically with specified environment

I managed to find a solution to this. I believe the reason is that .invoke will not always invoke the task, but it will first determine whether it is necessary. Given that rake db:create is run on several occasions within the same task, .invoke deems the subsequent invocations as unnecessary and therefore does not run them. For the desired behaviour, .execute should be used instead.

# remove db:create from the list of rake tasks in order to override it
db_create = Rake.application.instance_variable_get('@tasks').delete('db:create')

namespace :db do
task :create do
if Rails.env == "development"
Rails.env = "secondary_development"
Rake::Task["db:create"].execute # execute rather than invoke

# Reset the Rails env to 'development', otherwise it remains as 'secondary_development', which is not what we want (or move this above the if)
Rails.env = "development"

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