Ruby: "Gem Install Bundler" Not Installing Bundler

ERROR: Gem bundler is not installed, run `gem install bundler` first

I think this is the problem: You have bundler installed to a specific gemset, which is why it's only available when you're in your app's directory (I'm assuming there's a .rvmrc file in there).

You have a few options:

  1. Install bundler to a global gemset. rvm gemset use global && gem install bundler
  2. If you have Homebrew installed, just do brew install ruby and avoid rvm altogether. (There's also rbenv and ry as alternatives to rvm, but I just use 1.9.3 across all my apps, so Homebrew is fine.)

For reference, $PATH is a shell environmental variable containing a list of directories that hold executables (e.g., echo, ls, vim, etc.). It's intrinsic to shells.

Ruby: gem install bundler not installing bundler

I can confirm this is happening in a fresh rvm install of Linux Mint. I'm using gnome-terminal and I have applied the "Run command as login shell" workaround. I'm using ruby 1.9.3 and haven't done anything with gemsets. When I type 'gem list' I see all the rubies I've installed (the first hour I got rvm installed, I playing around installing some projects and it seemed to be in perfect working order).

It looks like adding

[[ -s "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm" ]] && . "$HOME/.rvm/scripts/rvm"

to ~/.bashrc clears up the inconsistency problems. It's odd that it was working fine initially without it... And it should only be sourcing .bash_login in the first place...

gem install bundler not working?

Try updating your certs.

$ curl \
> $(ruby -ropenssl -e 'puts OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE')

Credit here:

If you run into other issues building from source, you may want to try ruby-build which is terrific IMHO because it downloads the various dependencies easily.

how to fix ruby bundle install error?

Apparently there was an issue with bundler, here's how this worked out for me:

  • cleanup by running gem cleanup bundler
  • reinstall bundler via gem install bundler

Error installing Bundler

Had the same issue and everything is described here:

tl;dr Recent versions of RVM, the Ruby Version Manager, include a utility to diagnose and resolve errors caused by outdated certificate files. See the article Installing Rails for instructions and advice. The RVM website explains how to install RVM.

If you’ve installed RVM, try this:

$ rvm -v
# rvm 1.19.1 (stable)
$ rvm osx-ssl-certs status all
# Certificates for...
$ rvm osx-ssl-certs update all
# Updating certificates...

That’s all that is needed to resolve the issue if you are using RVM (you must be using RVM version 1.19.1 or newer).

Problem installing bundler, Says it installs, but then doesn't actually install

rbenv works by inserting a directory of shims at the front of your PATH:


Through a process called rehashing, rbenv maintains shims in that directory to match every Ruby command across every installed version of Ruby—irb, gem, rake, rails, ruby, and so on.

Shims are lightweight executables that simply pass your command along to rbenv. So with rbenv installed, when you run, say, rake, your operating system will do the following:

  • Search your PATH for an executable file named rake
  • Find the rbenv shim named rake at the beginning of your PATH
  • Run the shim named rake, which in turn passes the command along to rbenv

You messed up your rbenv installation.

1) Remove ruby installation outside rbenv

2) rvm implode

3) Clean up your $PATH env variable from ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc

Remove any $PATH reference pointing to ruby, irb, gem or any folder including those bin executable. Consider commenting any $PATH statement from your bash_profile

# export PATH="$HOME/etc/bin:$PATH"
# leave the statement below
# export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH

The $PATH variable includes a list of folders:

echo $PATH

if you run gem in your terminal

any .bin executable file included in home/fabrizio/.rbenv/shims or /opt/android-studio/bin is executable from any location in the terminal. When you run gem, the ruby gem command is executed instead of being intercepted from rbenv, because you installed ruby outside of rbenv.


You must have followed this step when installing ruby 2.5.0 without rbenv so remove from your ~/.bash_profile or ~/.bashrc the following line

PATH="$PATH:$(ruby -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')/bin"

or any other line which is adding /Users/brianp/.gem/ruby/2.5.0/bin to your $PATH, then uninstall ruby with apt.

Read the following information, additionally always check the location where gems are being installed with gem env:

$ gem env home
# => ~/.rbenv/versions/<ruby-version>/lib/ruby/gems/...

if the location from anywhere in the terminal is not under ~/.rbenv/ then you are installing the gems in the wrong locations.


Delete the gem folder with rm -rf ~/.gem, a similar approach to this post if you can not remove /Users/brianp/.gem/ruby/2.5.0/bin from your $PATH


This error is caused from installing bundler 2.0

  can't find gem bundler (>= 0.a) with executable bundle (Gem::GemNotFoundException)

you need to remove bundler 2.0 and install 1.9.0

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