Why Can't I Install Rails on Lion Using Rvm

Using rvm bundle install doesn't install rails

I'll bet your RVM isn't set up correctly and /usr/bin/ appears in your PATH before RVM's bin directory. Run echo $PATH to confirm.

If so, back up your dotfiles for safety and run rvm get head --auto and it should put your PATH right. Logout and log back in or source your dotfiles (source ~/.bash_profile or whatever) and try again.

Can't install Ruby under Lion with RVM – GCC issues

This answer was edited multiple times and now contains several alternative solutions. Try the simple “Edit 3” solution first.

Ruby 1.9.3-p125 and later have official support for clang, so if you are installing such a version you should not need GCC. If you’re installing an older version of Ruby, read on.

To compile Ruby with GCC, you need a non-LLVM version of GCC, which is no longer included with Xcode 4.2. Install it yourself (or downgrade to Xcode 4.1 temporarily), then do CC=/usr/local/bin/gcc-4.2 rvm install 1.9.3 --enable-shared (substituting the path to your non-LLVM gcc).

Edit: https://github.com/kennethreitz/osx-gcc-installer/downloads may help for installing GCC. There is also some info available by running rvm requirements.

Edit 2: For an easier solution, you can try adding --with-gcc=clang to the arguments to configure for Ruby to use clang instead of GCC.

Edit 3: rvm install 1.9.3 --with-gcc=clang does that for you.

Note: With current versions of Xcode you need to install the command-line tools separately from the Xcode menu -> Preferences -> Downloads -> Components. This is a pre-requisite for doing any compiling with Xcode on the command-line, not just Ruby.

Note 2: If something doesn't work after following the steps, try doing a reboot or re-login to ensure that the environment gets set correctly.

Note 3: Ruby versions prior to 1.9.3-p125 may not always be fully compatible with clang, so test your software thoroughly if using the “edit 3” solution in a production environment.

trouble with zlib and rvm on OS X Lion

I was having the same problem. I finally ran

rvm implode

then reinstalled with this official walk through.


gems and RVM work fine for me now. Implode will completely remove your install of RVM.

Can't install Ruby Enterprise Edition with RVM on OSX Lion

I was able to duplicate your error, just now. This solved it for me:

$ rvm remove ree

$ export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-4.2

$ rvm install --force ree

Mac OS X Mountain Lion Rails is not currently installed on this system.

Use RVM http://rvm.io or rbenv to install newer Rails versions than what come pre-installed with OS X.

Follow examples on the site https://rvm.io/rvm/install/ but basically:

Install RVM: $ \curl -L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable

You can then $rvm list known to see what Rubies are available to you (lots). And simply $rvm install 1.9.3 to get the most current version of Ruby (which as of this writing is ruby-1.9.3-p327)

Set that ruby as your default $rvm --default use 1.9.3

Create a default gemset to store your gems $rvm use 1.9.3@mygemset --create --default

Then install Rails $ gem install rails will get you current which today is same as typing gem install rails -v 3.2.9

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