Ruby on Windows Causes Error Cannot Load Such File Bcrypt_Ext

LoadError: cannot load such file -- bcrypt_ext on Windows 2008 x64 server

Solution was here: bcrypt-ruby@github:

Rebuild locally the bcrypt gem:

  1. Change to the gem directory \Ruby22-x64\lib\ruby\gems\2.2.0\gems\bcrypt-3.1.10-x64-mingw32\ext\mri>
  2. Run ruby extconf.rb
  3. Run make
  4. Run make install

Note that this works only if your DevKit environment is correctly setup (run devkitvars.bat).

cannot load such file -- bcrypt_ext (LoadError) on windows

I have managed to solve this issue by adding following line in the Gemfile....

gem 'bcrypt', git: '', :require => 'bcrypt'

RubyInstaller 2.2.1 and Rails - Rake cannot load Nokogiri

Nokogiri doesn't exist yet for Ruby 2.2 on windows.

Essentially, nokogiri is provided preocompiled for specific ruby versions, and 2.2 isn't one of those versions yet. compiling nokogiri for windows is overly complicated.

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